Chapter 5: The After Math

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"It's been 2 days sweetheart, you should get out of bed and act like it never happened! Okay? You ready? Let's do this!!!"
"Em, I'm not ready. Stop. leave me be to die here in the comfort of my own bed. okay? Okay."
Since the incident with Andrew I haven't got out of bed. I decided to skip school on Monday because I couldn't handle seeing couples in the hallways. Emily was the only one that was worried about me for the time being.
"Look, Lisa today is the last day I'm stopping by to try and get you up and back out there."
"Great, why couldn't that day have been yesterday? I could be sleeping right now!"
"HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME!..." My phone starting blaring its ringtone.
"Who is it Em?"
"Don't worry I got this."
"Lisa? Thank God! I thought you were ignori-"
"No this isn't Lisa, it's Emily. Now you need to back the hell off of Lisa she doesn't want to speak to you, so leave her alone! God you're such a man whore!"
Then Emily hung up the phone, this is the reason why she's my best friend. Emily has always been there for me and never makes me face idiots like him.
"Thanks Em."
"Yea, yea whatever. You owe me something now."
"Oh god and what might that be?"
"Today is the day you get out of bed, shower, do your hair, get dressed, and go out to lunch with me. You have an hour. I'll be downstairs waiting for you to be ready."
She left the room leaving me laying on my bed, it took me 10 minutes till I had got up and decided she was right and that I had to do this not only for her, but for myself.
"Lisa? Don't make me come up there! You're already 10 minutes over the time limit I gave you! Let's go!"
About 5 minutes later I came trudging down the stairs and into the living room to find that Emily was standing at the door taking to, wait who is that?!
"Please just let me speak to her? I know I messed up..but I'm back."
"Sorry I can't do that. It would be up to her if she would want to see her father who left her family for another woman. I'm going to have to ask you to leave..."
I ran half way up the stairs as quietly as possible.
"Emily!! I'm ready let's go!!" I soar running back down the rest of the stairs.
"Lisa is that you?!"
"Emily?? Who is that..."
"No one don't worry about it, go back upstairs I'll come up in a minute okay?"
"Um okay.."
"Hey, let's go."
"So are you going to tell me who that was at the door? Or?"
"Not right now, now it's girl time! Let's go shopping, then we'll get something to eat."
I didn't say a word, I stood up and walked out the door and down the stairs. I was shocked.
"Lisa? Hun? Are you alright?"
"Oh, what? Oh yeah I'm fine Emily."
"Woah did you just say my full name and not Em? Wow."
"Look. I mean I'm just not up to shop."
"Well then we'll just go get some foo.."
"Look Em, I just want to go home..."
I looked around the mall, till my eyes fell upon Andrew making his way towards me. I wasn't sure what to do.
"Emily, we have to leave now, I can't. I just can't."
Her head searched around but before she could notice Andrew reached me and pulled me away.
"Lisa I just need to talk to you!"
"Well maybe I would give you that opportunity if it weren't for you kissing that whore on our date! God you piss me off! I can't believe I fell for y-"
He kissed me. He took my breath away, I hadn't noticed I was kissing him back till I remembered what he did to me. I pulled away and just ran. I ran away...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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