Scarlett's Pov

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Florence and Isabella's relationship is still hidden from the internet somehow. I'm pretty sure people do believe there together but I don't know honestly. It's been about a month since we started filming but today there's an interviewer coming so I got to remind Flo and Isabella so they don't do anything on camera that will tell everyone they're dating. "Hey guys just to remind you both, there's an interviewer coming today. So unless you want to prove to the internet that your both dating then dont do anything stupid today." I tell them in makeup. "Ugh you have to spoke so loud?" Isabella asks, I look at Florence weirdly. "Migraine, so don't try to yell today. You know she already has a fear of loud noises and her migraines are worse." I nod my head and try to be quieter. Rachel gets medicine for Isabella's migraine. Sooner or later Isabella looks and feels better, after makeup we go to the interview.

They ask us some questions and tell us some stuff and now they are asking about Florence and Isabella's relationship. "So Florence and Isabella, you both seem to be getting close again. Is there anything going on again?" The person asks. I look at the both of them who look at each other. I decided to talk for them to save them from spilling the secret. "No, there is nothing going on. They both still love each other but they're too stubborn to do anything. They say they don't want to ruin the relationship they have." I tell them. "I still love Isabella very much, but it would be very unprofessional if we date and then get into a big fight that causes a bigger fight with the cast." Florence states. "I never stop loving Florence but we're both very busy. But we both can confirm that we are not dating again. I got to get into costume, I see you both later." Isabella leaves before anything else happens. I see Isabella glance at Florence before she leaves and Florence watches Isabella walking away. Florence and I finished that interview. I walk towards Isabella's trailer because the only scene she has we have to film together. I knock on the door and she answers after a while. "Hey, how are you doing?" I asked her. "Better because I don't have migraine anymore." She says and I nod my head. We talk for a while, we get to the topic of when Florence and her first started dating and before they broke up. "I remember when you guys first got spotted kissing in public." I told her and she started laughing. "People went crazy over that and it was just one kiss." "Well, didn't people really want you both to date at that time?" I ask and she nods her head. "Yeah they did, but the funny thing is that we actually hated each other at first." She says and I look at her surprisingly. "I know, but really we didn't get along at first. I don't really remember why we hated each other but we did." I just started laughing more at what she said. "And then you dated a little after you both met, you both dated for 4 and a half years and now look you're both doing it again." She nods her head and then we get called onto the set. Were filming with David, Florence and Isabella today.

*Reyna sits close to Alexei on the bench*
Alexei: Oh, I'm so proud of you girls. OH YOU CAN'T HEAR ME, HUH?
*Puts on the headset*
Alexei: Okay. Ahh... Wow *Chuckles*
*Yelena punches Alexei in the face*
*Yells in Russian from pain*
Alexei: Okay. Why the aggression, huh? Is it your time of the month?
Yelena: I don't get my period, dipshit. I don't have a uterus.
Nat: Or ovaries.
Reyna: Yeah. That's what happens when the Red Room gives you an involuntary hysterectomy.
Yelena: They kinda just get right in there and they chop them all away. Everything out, so you can't have babies.
Alexei: Okay, okay. Okay! Okay! You don't need to get so clinical and nasty.
Yelena: Oh, well, I was going to talk about Fallopian tubes, but okay.
Alexei: It means so much that you came back for me.
Nat: No. No. You're going to tell us how to get to the Red Room.
Alexei: Huh. Whoa, look at you, huh. All business.
Reyna: Trust me, this isn't pleasure.
Alexei: Little Natasha, all indoctrinated into the Western agenda. Reyna? Oh the last time I saw you, you were so small.
Reyna: No duh smart ass. I was five.
Nat: I chose to go West to become an Avenger. Cause they treated me like family.
*Reyna looks at Nat sadly and Yelena notices*
Yelena: You okay детка?
Reyna: Yeah.
Alexei: Really? Family? Well, where are they now? Where is that family now?
Reyna: Tell me where the Red Room is.
Alexei: I have no idea, my little one.
Reyna: Don't call me that.
*Natasha scoffs and gets out of her seat and walks towards Alexei and Reyna goes and sits next to Yelena, Natasha slaps the headset off Alexei*
Alexei: Okay?
Nat: Come on, you and Dreykov were like...
Alexei: Dreykov?
Nat: Yeah.
Alexei: General Dreykov, my friend, huh? Gives me glory... Soviet Union's first and only super soldier. I could have been more famous than Captain America... Then he buries me in Ohio on that mission. Three years!
*Reyna starts to get very hurt and Yelena notices and grabs her hand to hold*
Alexei: So tedious, boring me to tears.
*Alexei looks at the two youngest sisters*
Alexei: No offense, huh? Then he puts me in prison for the rest of my life. Why, huh? Why? Why would he put me in... You know why. Cause maybe I want to talk about the withering of the state.
*Reyna has tears in her eyes and is trying to not let her emotions get to her*
Yelena: Hey, are you okay?
*Yelena whispers to Reyna*
Reyna: Yeah just great.
*Reyna whispers back*
Alexei: Or maybe I don't like his hair or something and I say something casually about that. Maybe, you know, I want the party to feel actually like a party instead of this sourpuss organization. But instead, no. He puts me in prison for the rest of my life. He just runs and hides, huh?
*Reyna let's a tear fall and Yelena sees*
Alexei: I'm not even the one who, uh, you know... I'm not the one who killed his daughter.
Yelena: Okay can you stop it now. Can we throw him out the window now?
Nat: I think we should wait till we get to higher altitude.
Yelena: All right.
Alexei: Почему бы тебе не пойти и не спросить Мелину. (Why don't you go and ask Melina)
Reyna: Wait, mom Melina?
Nat: We thought she was dead.
Alexei: You cannot kill a fox that swift.
Yelena and Reyna: Ew.
Alexei: What? She was the scientist, the strategist. I was the muscle. She worked directly for Dreykov for more then I ever did.
Nat: Wait. Are you telling me that Melina is working for the Red Room present day?
Alexei: She works remotely outside of St. Petersburg.
Yelena: Uh, I don't think we have enough fuel for St. Petersburg.
Alexei: No, where good. We'll make it.
Yelena: Okay.
*Plane crashes. Yelena and Reyna walk out hand and hand with Nat right next to them*
Alexei: You should've brought Avengers super jet.
Yelena: I swear if I hear one more word from him I will kick him in the face.
Reyna: Can I join but more violent?
Nat: He's the worst.
Alexei: Natasha. Natasha. Natasha. Come here, I want to ask you something. Come it's important.
*Natasha leaves the two and they continue walking*
Nat: What?
Alexei: Did he talk to you about me? You know, trading war stories?
Nat: Who? What are you talking about?
Alexei: Captain America. My great adversary in this theater of geopolitical conflict. Not so much nemesis. More like contemporary, you know. Coequal. I always thought there was a great deal of mutual respect...
Nat: Wait. You've haven't seen any one of us in 20 years and you're gonna ask me about you?
Alexei: What is this tension? Did I do something wrong?
*Yelena sighs and runs her forehead with her freehand*
Yelena: Is that a serious question?
Alexei: I only ever loved you girls. I did my best to make sure you would succeed to achieve your fullest potential, and everything worked out.
Nat: Everything worked out?
Alexei: Yes. For you, yes. We accomplished our mission in Ohio. Yelena, you went to become the greatest child assassin the world has ever known. No one can match your efficiency, your ruthlessness. Natasha, not just a spy, not just toppling regimes, destroying empires from within, but an Avenger. And you, Reyna. Becoming better than everyone. Even better than Natasha herself. You 3 have killed so many people.
*Reyna is about to cry from her training and abuse in the Red Room*
Alexei: Your ledgers must be dripping, just gushing red. I couldn't be more proud of you.
*He grabs Natasha's and Yelenas hand and tries to Reyna but she backs away*
*He tries to hug Natasha but she pushes him away with a grunt and he kisses the top of Yelena's head*
Yelena: No, no just. You smell really bad.
*Yelena walks next to Reyna*
Yelena: So, we there yet?
Alexei: You'll know when we are.
*Alexei snorts like a pig and the 3 look at him weirdly*
Reyna: Can someone carry me?
Alexei: I can!
Reyna: Yelena can you carry me?
Yelena: Ugh, fine.
*Reyna gets on Yelena's back and Natasha looks at the two youngest siblings with jealousy in her eyes but looks at the ground to cover her face*

"And scene, that's all for today." Cate says and we all get off of set and go home. Today there was a lot to film so almost instantly I fell asleep.

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