Florence's Pov

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You could practically hear Isabella moaning from the other side of the trailer park. Okay, that's a little too much. But when your trailer is right next to your Ex-Girlfriend's and you can hear her moaning for an hour straight, it can get annoying. Truth is, it kinda made me mad. I know I shouldn't but I remember me being her first time. Her moaning that she was mine and that her pussy was mine. I was the more dominant one in the relationship, and she loved it. "Oh Brie! Yes, oh right there! Feels so good, oh my god!" Is all I can hear in my trailer, luckily Zach left because he had to go film something. I kinda cringed at the fact that she called Brie, Brie. She would call me Mommy. I knew that Brie wasn't giving her as much pleasure as I did. I started to remember when she would moan from the pleasure. How she would enjoy me fucking her hard. How she would enjoy me fucking her raw. I didn't notice how long I was thinking about her until I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and saw Scarlett and Rose. Wait, shit Rose is here. "Rose wanted to see you." Scarlett said, I could tell she was worried about Brie and Isabella. As I said. They're loud. We also have no idea how long they're going to do this. "Well, come in. I miss my favorite niece." I said to the both of them and let them in. Luckily, Isabella wasn't being to loud. At least not as loud for Rose to hear. "Auntie Flo, why do you look pale?" Rose asked as Isabella moaned loudly, Scarlett and I instantly turned pale. "Oh nothing. I'm fine." I lied and the both of us were hoping that she wouldn't be so loud anymore. We both knew that wasn't possible because almost as soon as I said that, Isabella moaned the loudest. "Ahh, yes right there! Oh my god, yes! Uh right there! YES BRIE! AHH, I'M CUMMING!" Isabella moaned the loudest I heard in a long time. Rose started laughing very loudly, but Scarlett and I froze. "Why is Auntie Bella screaming? Is she hurt?" Rose asked us concerned. Scarlett and I looked at each other not really knowing how toanswer. "Umm, no she's fine. How about we go to our trailer with Auntie Flo?" "Yay!" Scarlett said to Rose who looked excited. Well, there goes that child's innocence.

The next day, we where on set again and thank god Scarlett didn't bring Rose. But Scarlett wasn't here at all. We had to film the credit scene and Cate didn't want Scarlett to be on set. Brie or Zach weren't here as they didn't come. Once Isabella, Julia and I were done with makeup, we changed into costume and started filming.

*Isabella is wearing Natasha's black leather jacket*
Yelena: Come on Reyna, Fanny let's go.
Reyna: Hey! I'm not a dog. That's Fanny.
Yelena: Can we just go?
*They got to the grave and Reyna started to get tense. Yelena does her thing at the grave and whistles and only Reyna answers back*
Reyna: When can I-
Yelena: Whenever your ready. Whenever your ready принцесса. (princess.)
*Reyna take a deep breath in and walks towards Natasha's grave and kneels down*
Reyna: You know, when we were little and you said you'll find away to come back... I took that as away as you'll never die. Not meaning your immortal, but just that you'll come back to me. But look at that now. You're buried underground. And I never got to say goodbye. Truth is, I do love you as my sister. I'm not disappointed in my last name being Romanova. But I am disappointed in something, and it's that I'm disappointed that your not here anymore. I need you Natalia, I need you. I love you Tasha.
*Footsteps crunching softly and blowing nose loudly*
Valentina: Wow. Sorry. I'm allergic to the Midwest. You know, I thought that the 3 of you never would show emotion. Well I never saw Natasha show any, but the both of you. Yes... What this woman did, honestly I could never imagine.
Yelena: You're not supposed to be bothering us on our holiday time, Valentina.
Valentina: Oh, bothering you? Oh, no, no. I'm just here paying my respects.
Yelena: Hmm... You know, coming here makes you look desperate.
Valentina: Okay.
Yelena: We want a raise.
Valentina: Oh, yeah. Then the 3 of us. Believe me, you're his earn it. I've got your next target. Thought I'd hand-deliver it. Maybe you'd like a shot at the man responsible for your sisters death.
*Reyna heard that and gets up and walks towards them. Once she sees Clint she tenses up*
Valentina: Kind of a cutie, don't you think?
*Reyna starts walking away*
Yelena: Where are you going?
Reyna: Well, we both have two decisions and I've already made mine. So ether, you can come and join me in killing him and his family. Or you can stay and not do it. Make up your mind. No one's controlling you anymore.
*Reyna walks away and Yelena looks at the ground. End of movie*

"And cut! That's perfect! Isabella you may have gone off script, but that is perfect. Thank you." Cate said to us and we all went our separate ways. That was it. That was the end of filming. The last time I would see Isabella other than for Comic-con and interviews. Zach and I are going to go to the Uk for a little while and Isabella is probably going back to California. But first, we all have to attend a party for the filming of the movie. That's in about 4 weeks and it's in California. I started cleaning up my trailer and hung out with everyone for one last time until we see each other again. Once I got home, I started crying. Crying because everything is messed up. Crying because Isabella hates me. Crying because we're over. Crying because I did all of that. Why is everything my fault? "Maybe we aren't soulmates." I whispered to myself. I fell asleep on the floor thinking about how when News Reporters first found out we were dating and everyone freaked out. For weeks they were talking about their opinions on us. Mainly them being nice about it. I woke up and screamed at the top of my lungs in anger and I dropped down to the ground. I hugged my knees and cried even more. If anyone found me, they couldn't comfort me because only Isabella could. Only she could do that. Only she could love me like she did. Only she could make me feel special about myself like she did. Only she could make me happy. She could do everything, and that's what I loved about her. I cried myself to sleep just like I did when Isabella and I first broke up.

The next day, Zach and I were leaving for the UK. I'm happy to see my family again but I know they're going to ask why Isabella and I broke up. They loved her and were very sad when we first broke up. About 3 hours later we landed in the UK. My family ended up picking us up at the airport and Rafaela looked a little disappointed as Isabella wasn't there. The both of them had a strong connection, that's why they both would ask about each other whenever I was in the UK. "So it is true. You both broke up." Rafaela mumbled to herself but I still could hear her. We drove to our parents house and we all hung out together for a while until we ate and slept. I was on my phone because I couldn't sleep. I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in." Rafaela opened the door and crawled into bed with Zach and I. She curled up to me and started crying. I knew exactly why she was crying, because she did this when Isabella and I first broke up she did this. A couple minutes later she stopped crying and I saw that she fell asleep.

A/n I had to suffer and watch Home Alone 1 for 2 hours and I ended up laying on my school floor for 2 hours going insane. Fun times. Also I was on the cafeteria at my school yesterday for after school, and I was watching the 5th episode of Hawkeye. Um, when I say I was screaming at the top of my lungs saying Yelena kill Clint.... I was.

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