Random fan Pov

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(I wrote this in school yesterday soo)

We all pretty much are still freaking out about the paparazzi spotting Florence and Isabella together. Yes it's been about a month or so, but it's very important to us. Their fan pages have been blowing up and everything, and paparazzi have spotted them together, just them, alone, I'm guessing it's a date. I'm just watching old interviews with them, like when they first started dating, or before they started dating and when Florence flirted with Isabella on camera. Personally my favorite is the flirting one and when they announced. They were both very important interviews and what Timothee said was what it sound like, they both actually hated each other before they started dating. I was watching one of there interviews when I got a notification about Florence and Isabella.

Florence Pugh and Isabella Rossi telling the world they're dating by doing PDA in front of spotted paparazzi.

Earlier today Florence Pugh and Isabella Rossi, the Ex Hollywood It couple, were spotted by paparazzi together in LA today. They decided to show the world who they belong to. Paparazzi got photos of them doing PDA with each other. That announces they are back together, all the fans of this couple, you better get excited because this couple is back together to get their spot back. Every couple in Hollywood you might want to watch out for this hot couple coming back. The couple had met up for the filming of there upcoming movie, Marvel Studios Black Widow. They got casted to play sisters in the movie, Florence playing Yelena Belova and Isabella playing Reyna Romanoff/Romanova. We all missed this couple very much and we all were really much glad when that they are finally together after 4 long years. We give all our love to this special couple. Stay safe and can't wait to see where the couple goes this time.

I read that and first thought that is wasn't true until I saw the pictures of them. "AHH." I screamed at the top of my lungs. "What!?" My sister yelled when she ran into my room. "THE RUMORS, ARE TRUE!" My sister looks at me weirdly than realizes what I was talking about. When I said everyone is still freaking out about what happened a month or so ago. Everyone is still freaking out. "No, you're joking ?" She still doesn't believe me until I show she the pictures of them making out. "Oh my god!" Now she believes me and is freaking out but not as much as me. We fangirl over looking at the photos as them as a couple and everything. "I still can't believe that they ever broke up in the first place, but now at least there together again."  I say and my sister nods her head. She leaves my room after awhile and I look at some of the pictures of them together a little bit more and then fall asleep.

A/n. Thanks for 1k reads.

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