Chapter 28

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Vin sat distracted. Trying to wrap his head around this situation. His beta Xav was next to him just waiting. They had the best chemistry.

"He is broken Xav." He sighed and rubbed his eyes feeling stressed.

"Alpha." Xav placed his hand on Vin's shoulder in comfort.

"They took away his hearing." His voice was weak.

"They did what?" Xav asked surprised by the news.

"He is deaf. He can't hear. Alpha J laid his hands on him."

"He did what?"

"Exactly what I said. I feel like invading there and cause real destruction. He is a human. If it had been another wolf I would have laughed it off but he is a human beta." Vin was becoming emotional.

Xav realized how Vin was affected by this. It had been a while since he had seen Vin this distressed.

"I am deeply concerned about his case too but Alpha...

...I know. I know I'm being a dramatic bitch but you should've seen him yesterday. He is so innocent and pure how could they do that to him?"

Vin went silent knowing he was getting a scolding for what he was about to say next.

"Should I mate him?"

Xav shook his head, "Your mate is out there somewhere Alpha. You said Vincent felt uneasy when we attacked Oaklagen."

"It was just for a moment."

"And that moment was one of the reason why you released Gulf back. Because you're aware your mate is in there."


"I'm just making you see reason. I know your heart is soft for him. I feel bad for him too but let's not take it far. Let's do enough."

"But I haven't met them yet. It's ok if I mate him you know." Vin pointed out.

"Vin, let's not cause anymore chaos. He is already mated to the incoming alpha."

"I'll think about it."

"There nothing to think about. We're taking care of him in good faith. No underlying intentions." Xav concluded.

"I hate you sometimes."

"I love you too. I'll go get some cuddles." Xav smiled and turned to go. 

But Vin misunderstood. "You want to get killed?" He was overprotective already.

"I meant from my mate. What are you thinking weirdo? Not everyone is horny for the human. Calm your tits down." He finished with an offense and the offense was received.

"Oh you just did not..."

Slowly, to offend him further, Xav mouthed in slow motion, "caaaalllllmmmmm youuuurrr tiiiiiiits doooooowwwwwwwwn."

And Vin was coming for him. He had asked for it.
Xav ran away screaming childishly and annoyingly. That's the way they lightened up the mood.

At Oaklagen,

It was like a cathedral building on the outside and a court house in the inside but was much darker. Both the atmosphere and the mood. Only serious matters- no - Only life and death matters were discussed in there and that's where Luke's case was being discussed. That's what the senior council had planned.

But that was not all.

The junior council had planned to discuss Assa's death and the baby's death and point out who was involved.

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