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Lolq stole a map from a near by table.
It was probably left from other visitors.
She looked at every part of the park.
''-What do you think guys? Where should we go first? ''
She asked, showing them the map.
''-To the mushroom poo-''
Spas interrupted Raya.
''-Ok, but which one? ''
Lolq requested, showing every slide on the map to Spas.
Raya sat on the floor and waited for them to choose.
''-The big one.. ''
Spas made his desicion and dragged both girls with him.
They walked for a while and reached finally reached it. It was at the other end of the Park.
Stairs continuing to the sky awaited for them.
''-Hm.. on second thought... Yeah, no-''
Spas changed his mind and turned to walk away, but the girls caught him and pushed him to the front again.
'' -You dragged us here, we all go!''
Lolq crossed her arms.
The boy sighed and mumbled ''fine'' under his breath.
And the group started climbing all the stairs.

Not even half way trough they got tired.
There wasn't much people in line, since from far it seemed like the most dangerous slide in the park.
Raya gulped as she looked at a person sliding down.
They flew out of the slide, not even landing in the water. They fell on the hard floor next to the pool.
Sirens could be heard, coming in the way.
Lolq, Spas and Raya look at eachother, some with worry others with still a confident feeling.
''-I'm going down. ''
Lolq fastly said and ran up the stairs and pushed a few people in her way.
Spas smiled at Raya, hoping she would slide with him.
She stared at him in silence.
''-Next! ''
The life guard yelled, looking towards them.
Raya screamed and ran towards the slide beside the big one.
It was all curvy and going to a diffrent pool.
You could hear her screams following her down.
Spas gulped and sat on the big slide.
He got nervous and looked down.
Which was a very bad idea.
He almost had a heart attack as he saw how high up in the air he was.
The guard crossed his arms and put them laying on his chest.
Spas gave a last prey and heard a beep sound.
Without realising he was sliding down with super speed.
He screamed like a girl and his glasses flew away from his face.

''-Phew, I'm already down!
Where are they tho.. Hm''
Lolq looked around and wondered.
That was until she heard the biggest splashing sound.
She turned around and saw people gasping, pointing at the pool.
After a few seconds another splash came out of the water.
Spas poked his head out .
''-That was... AMAZING, HOLY SHIT! ''
He screamed, spitting water from his mouth afterwards.
'' -You went down the slide?! Well you're lucky.. The ambulance wasn't gonna make it on time for you if something happend. ''
Lolq said and helped him come out of the pool.
''-Wait.. MY GLASSES! ''
Spas panicked and started running around, searching for them.
After a few minutes they found them.
They were laying on the ground, broken. 
Lolq put a comforting hand on Spas's shoulder.
He stared at them.
With tears and anger.
The whole park probably heard him.
''-Theres a glasses shop over there-
We can buy you a new pair! ''
A little voice spoke up from behind.
It was Raya, all soaking wet.
''-What happend to you? ''
Lolq questioned the small girl.
''-I went down the other slide which lead me to the biggest pool in the Park! I ALMOST DROWNED! But a nice lady saved me, she even gave me a donut! ''
Raya explained her story.
''-Blah blah, who us the store now! ''
Spas provoked her.
''-I can't 'show' it to 'you' exactly since you can't see! ''
Rayas giggles were followed by a few laughs out of Lolq as well.
''-It's not even funny?!Once you can't see you'll understand. ''
Spas crossed his arms offended.
'' - Okay really, where is that shop? I don't want him to complain about how he's blind for the rest of the day.''
Lolq sighed, glaring at him.
''-Just follow me! ''
The small girl started walking to the shops.
Lolq followed behind her with slower steps.
''-Guys... You know I can't see where ya are going, right? ''
Spas called out.
''-Oh yes, of course! I'll gladly be your service dog!''
Lolq hissed back.
''-Thank you!''
''-I was being sarcastic.''
''-And I wasn't''
Lolq sighed and helped him follow Raya.

They reached the shop area and looked around for the right store.
''-Over here! ''
Raya whispered to them.
The group entered and were greeted by the cashier.
Nice elevator music played from the radio.
''-Ah, ah... welcome to my.. Uhhhh Glasses shop! ''
A weird guy, seeming as a teen waved.
He had a blue beanie, black moustache that didnt match with his hair color.
''-He seems... kinda familiar, don't you think? ''
Lolq asked Spas and the boy looked closely at the worker.
''-Yup! Very familiar! IF ONLY I COULD SEE LOLQ!''
The other boy behind the counter got nervous and froze in one place.
Raya played with the radio and switched the songs.

''-Oh my god you're taking forever!! ''
Both girls complained to the cashier as he kept searching for glasses at the back.
''-Ah! I found a great offer yes, yes! ''
The worker ran out of the room carrying a package.
He opened it and from it came a bright light.
The group gasped and admired them.
Pink shades.. with Luna laying on the sides of the frames.
'' - They... are... JUST PERFECT! ''
He yelled and grabbed them from the guy's hands.
Raya laughed and ran into the wall.
''-Well, they better than the old ones!''
Lolq explained in details how the glasses looked.
The worker weirdly stared at them.
''-Can you put them on already? I just can't wait for the realisation! ''
He slapped his face and shook his head.
''-Who are you talking to? ''
Raya rubbed her nose and looked at the moustache guy.
''-To my brother!!! ''
The worker yelled and pointed at Spas.
''-Who are you? AND HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!?? ''
Spas panicked and rushed to the worker.
He jumped on him and took him down on the ground.
The moustache fell from his face and slowly layed on the floor.
They all stared shocked.
'' -You can't.. *sniff* recognise YOUR OWN BROTHER?! ''
Miroslav cried out and pushed Spas off him.
''-Miroslav?! ''
The group laughed.
''-What are you doing here? ''
Raya asked him, helping him get up.
'' -Ya'll left me behind! My own brother locked me in the wardrobe so I couldn't come! ''
Miroslav yelled for justice.
Lolq and Raya turned and looked at Spas, giving him a glare.
''-What? I didn't want him here!Thats why.. Don't defend him! ''
He crossed his arms and was ready to leave out of the store.
''-Welp, I guess he's sticking with us now! We can't just leave him!! ''
Raya chased after Spas and stopped him from leaving.
''-You two can't... 'I can'. ''
Is all he said, opened the door and left.
''-He didn't even pay. ''
Lolq pointed out.
''-Don't worry, the store isn't mine either way! ''
Miroslav proudly said.
Lolq and Raya exchange confused looks.
''-Then.. who's store is it? ''
The girls both asked worried.
''-I don't know! I just knocked the guy out, now let's run before he wakes up..''
Miroslav quickly said and dragged the girls out of the store with him.

Aska SMP goes to a Water Park!Where stories live. Discover now