how you two met pt.2

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Crowley: where is he?, was all you thought as you sat at the table that you reserved for you and your boyfriend. He was already Two hours late and it dawned on you he wasn't coming. You let out a long sigh looking around, just then a man caught your attention. He was short , well groomed and handsome. You looked away blushing waiting for the waiter to come and take your order. Just as you brought your head up you saw the handsome man walk over to you. " this seat taken?" He asked with an accent that made your heart do back flips. You shook your head no. " splendid!," he cheered. " so, may I ask why such a lovely young Lady is doing here alone?" You looked down then up at him.
" I was stood up" you said giving him a small sad smile. He gave a cute little frown and you blushed.
" that's terrible! How can a beatiful girl like you ever get stood up!? Oh, before i forget .the names Crowley by the way." He chimed in.
" I'm (y/n)" you smiled.
" breathtaking" and that came a night of interesting conversions and a lot of flirting. He gave you his number and a kiss on the cheek . you'd never forget the day you meet Crowley your little crow.

Chuck: you had just moved in next door to this chuck person. You decided it'd be nice if you brought him some food so you could get to know each other. You'd already meet every one on the block , well except for the infamous chuck. Word on the street was he was a weirdo, in reality you where to. You walked to the modest looking house knocking three or four times. A muffled ' I'm coming' was heard and something breaking . that was followed by a " dammit ". That made you chuckle as the door opened. "Hello chuck!" You beamed at him. His eyes widen as he blushed slamming the door. Rude.
" you're not real!" He yelled from behind the door. You raised a brow .
" yeah, I am. I'm your new neighbor, (y/n)" he opened the door slowly. He eyed you up and down blushing once more.
" c-can you place your hand in here?"he asked. You found it strange but did so. Nothing happened. He then opened the door and smiled at you. " sorry about that.....(y/n) w-was it?" You nodded and looked around. What a hell hole, you thought. He rubbed the back of his neak " sorry for the mess" he said. You looked at him and blushed, he was only in a opened robe , a T-shirt and boxers. He looked down and closed his robe, his face was tomato red. You cleared the back your throat " pizza?" You smiled. He gave you an adorable awkward smile , now that , let me tell you, wanted you to just cuddle the poor guy and protect him. You guys sat and ate pizza, talked, watched movies and he, unexpectedly , flirted with you. It was a good day to say the least.

Gabriel: you sat bordly at a bar. Witch? You had no clue, nor did you care. See, your friends had dragged you out to party but they seemed to forget these types of bars just weren't your cup of tea. You sighed deeply ordering another coke, you didn't want to drink seeing as you would had to drive your drunk friends home. Yay me, you throught. Just then a short blond man with whiskey colored eyes tapped your shoulder.
" hm? " you raised a brow. He shot you a rather cute smile.
" did it hurt?"
" what?"
" when you fell from heaven?" He cooed.
You rolled your ( e/c) orbs. " no but I scrapped my knee crawling from hell" you smiled.
" owch." He chuckled nervously rubbing the back of his head. You saw his reaction change and you felt bad.
"Awe hun, don't look so sad. It was a joke , I'm flattered really." You smiled . his face lit up like fireworks on the forth of July.
" the names ( y/n ) by the way. Yours hot stuff?" You chuckled.
" I'm Gabriel. But my friends call me Gabe." He said almost proundly. You guys flirted and chated and even laughed all night. Hey, what could you say? This Gabriel guy wasn't half bad. You exchanged numbers but you ended up at his place any ways ;3

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