nerds ( Charlie x reader )

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imagine you and Charlie cosplaying together

     it was a fairly quite day at your household, best part if that was Charlie was home. you see, recently Charlie had gotten involved with the Winchesters again, much to your dismay. you didn't want your poor lil char getting hurt, but she insisted so you left it alone.

  you enjoyed Charlie when you could nowadays, every moment important and every kiss treasured. today was Friday, Fridays where the best for you two. you'd guys go full geek and cosplay a certain fandom each week, and this week you got to pick. last week char had oicked and it was star trek, pft that nerd. but this weeks fandom : Steven universe!

you and char loved that cartoon! it was your guilty pleasure. she loved peridot while you personally liked lapis, the charters oddly fix too. this worked out perfect because Charlie and you loved the ship lapidot! it was one of her favourite besides the doctor x rose.

you fixed your blue wig in the mirror as you looked over your Now blue skin, perfect, you thought. you couldn't wait to go out and make stupid cosplay videos with her. you loved the strange looks from normal people and the gasp from fans and kids, it was great.

Charlie was taking to damn long in the bathroom. " charile! get  your sweet ass out here!" you winner loudly. you heard a chuckling as Charlie walked out, you gasped, she made an amazing peridot. you ran into her arms as she spun you around.

you looked into her eyes and kissed her. it was a sweet , amazing and surprisingly cute. you guys both giggled as you got ready to walk out. Charlie made sure she locked the door and took your hand. it was a cool spring day so you didn't bring jackets

a couple of kids at the mall took photos of you and asked you guys questions, as you expected a few people called you ' homosexual nerds' Charlie just laughed. " thanks I almost forgot!" is what  she would say. you just giggled, typical Charlie. you guys stopped at hot topic to shop and a few girls squealed about how cute you and Charlie where and how they loved the show.

after a long day for nerding ( not a word? now it is! ) you decided to head back to the apartment, you guys where tried not to mention you make up was coming off. as you took the short walk back to the apartment Charlie pipped up. " hey um ( y/n) ?"
" yeah charchar?" you said raising a brow at her.
" you know I love you right? more then anything."
you nodded .
" yeah. I love you to Charlie , you mean the world to me you big nerd" you kissed her cheek and blushed.
you wrapped your arm around her waist and she at wrapped her arm around your shoulders. it was a perfect end to a perfect day

((( wooop! finally did Charlie! what did you guys think??? also REQUEST ARE OPEN!!!))

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