For The LOVE of Sam

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(( WARNING: feels, hits and season 10 spoilers))


It was a blinking, awkward silence laced with concern that had filled the bunker. It was heavy too.

You sat on one side of the room watching Sam beat himself up. It wasn't his fault.

His hurt face killed you.

Everything was falling apart and you had no clue on how to fix it.

Dean was trying to make it up to Cas for something he did - what he had done was beyond you, but it left you and Sam alone.

Being Sam's girlfriend and closest friend you knew everything, the good, the bad, and the in between.
You wanted nothing more but for Sam to cheer up.

You got up from your seat And walked over to Sammy.

"Hey hon." You said drawing slow circles in his back.
He looked at you, his eyes blood
shot and watery.

"Hey babe." He said cracking a small fake smile. You could tell because it didn't quite reach
his eyes.

"You need to stop Sam." You spoke. "This is eating you up. You've hardly moved all week, and I'm worried. You never sleep or eat or even check your e-mail!" You said your voice raising.

You calmed yourself down and looked at the now shocked Sam. Sighing, you placed your hands on either side of his face. "Your not going to save anyone like this Sam. Please. I love you."

Sam snapped his head to the side and looked at you. To he was shocked was an understatement. He got up and walked closer to you, cupping your face in his palms. Finally pressing his soft lips to yours, he kissed you passionately.

"Thank you moose, I needed that." He got out his laptop and saw a few emails.

You stood behind him as he opened an email from Charlie. He gasped.

There it was, all the information they needed to cure Dean.

Sam got up, spinning on his heal, and hugged you in an air tight hug.

You heard him let out a slightly muffled groaning noise, but it wasn't of hurt or pain but more of joy and relief.

You hugged Sam tighter before letting him go, so he could call Dean and let him know the exhilarating news.

You chuckled at his sudden excitement.

(( SORRY it's short and it sucks. Don't kill me))

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