(LadyNoir) Enemies to Lovers AU

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HEyyya People! This was requested by HanamuraChan809

Thanks so much for reading and ON to the story!


"Listen up you two, there have been repeated sightings of the Lumière Malèfique members over at the old warehouse on Espèrer Street. This is a big deal, if we can break in and get photos of the stolen valuables in their possession, we can shut them down. You two are my finest combatants and it is necessary that you work together to gather information depicting the gang's schedule and security so that you can infiltrate the premises. There is a little bit more detailing of the entire situation in the folder you were both given. Check them out and process the information, if you find any patterns or leads you must contact me immediately so that I can update what we have. Any questions?"

Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at each other, then back at The Celestial Guardian. 

"We're working together?!" They said in unison, turning to each other with a look of disgust at their synchronization. 

"Absolutely, I want nothing less of perfection in this case and as I said, you two are my finest options. I don't care about your hatred or whatever's going on, you both need to work together to solve this. Get me the pictures of those artifacts and we can contact higher forces to aid us with the numbers we need to put all these verrückte where they belong. I don't want to hear another word of your bickering, understand?" The Celestial Guardian said with conviction, nodding to her assistant to escort the two amateurs.

"Yes Madame." They said, sneering at each other subtly. 

Nicole led the two out the office, walking them to the weapons, utilities, and automobile storage units. The two picked the most useful items to their needs, coming to a bit of a disagreement over the vehicle of choice. 

"Clearly we should go with the Ferrari 250 GT California SWB Spider....you're an idiot if you think anything else would accommodate us more efficiently", Adrien argued. 

"You don't have to say the full name! This is the least inconspicuous vehicle in this room, not to mention the most rare car! Do you know how many people we would attract with this? It's insanity!" Marinette burst, pointing to the Aston Martin DB5 in the corner of the room. 

Adrien gave a dead panned expression, immediately retorting. "And you don't think that would attract attention?"

Marinette was stumped, biting her bottom lip before dismissing the accusation. "Nonetheless, it's faster, smaller, more reliable, has the best intact weapons, and not to mention 007 himself used the car in his movies!"

"Oh great! So now were choosing our cars based off of legendary action movies!" He threw his arms up in the air, yelling at the ceiling. 

"Will you just stop being so difficult and-"

"Oh, I'm being difficult-"

"Yes, you are-

"No I am not, miss 'I must always-'"

"Will you two just STOP?!" The assistant yelled, dropping her clipboard on the ground and slowly picking it up when silence came. She eyed the two for a moment, trying to convey her sever disapproval. 

"I will not tolerate this behavior in such a detrimental case. The Celestial gradian chose both of you two in hopes that you would overcome your hatred to secure this success, and I will not simply stand by as you take all her hard work in gathering this info and gamble it for your own selfish purposes in obtaining a car! A car!" They looked at each other with concern, Marinette clenching her jaw at the visual contact. 

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