(Marichat) The Shapeshifter AU #1

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You guys...I wanted to show ya'll my desktop screen. I am so proud of my creation. 

Adrien has a secret, he is a shapeshifter who can (by use of his ring) transform into a black cat, he uses this form to explore Paris and sneak into places he shouldn't. One day, in cat form, he encounters Marinette who takes him in and feeds him. Touched by her kindness ​he keeps visiting her and also meets her in his human form. The two start to grow close (although Adrien does not reveal his secret to her and keeps visiting her in cat form as well) Then Adrien starts having trouble with his powers, sometimes he is not able to transform at all, other times he randomly transforms back and forth putting his identity at risk. After several close calls he examines his ring and discovers a crack. Now the question is will he able to get the ring repaired somehow before Marinette discovers his secret, and if she does how will she react?

Requested by B00100806! Thank you for requesting! 

There will be multiple parts to this one because the plot is elaborate and I love it, so yeah. 

Onto the story!


Wind blew past his ears as he walked down the empty streets of Paris, almost like a song of resistance, of loneliness. 

But in a cool 'lone-wolf' kind of way. 

Adrien loved the exhilarating feeling of defying odds in the risky, dark nights this city brought. He loved sneaking into places he shouldn't and watching people. 

He liked to watch people. 

When they weren't watching him of course. 

For some reason, the citizens of Paris had a thing against black cats. Which, considering his circumstance, was unfortunate. 

They were disgusted with him, and nobody showed any sympathy, even when he acted like a poor lost kitten! It was an outrage! Sad, but he still enjoyed watching people's mannerisms or the way they talked to their mother on the phone...it actually was a very interesting experience. He liked witnessing the bar fights, the shop-lifters, and the cheating husbands (that was always a fun one). He also got the utmost pleasure sneaking into rather questionable corporations and discovering some things he probably shouldn't know. There always seemed to be someone, doing something wrong, and it proved to be a most effective entertainment system. But as he walked along the alley-way streets, there almost seemed to be nothing happening that night.  

It was way too boring. 

He sighed, debating on turning back and heading towards his house. 


Suddenly, a loud noise came from behind him; his entire 'cat body' sprung off the floor and his tail became all frazzled and straight. He whipped his head around to find a young girl with dark-blue hair, groaning as she laid on the asphalt, almost giving up on life. Some sort of groceries she was carrying had been strewn out all over the area and once she saw, she started laughing. 


Adrien just stood there - like a cat - staring as the girl slowly got to her knees and began collecting her items, chastening herself for being such a klutz. He was guessing she was in her early twenties, she was short and dainty with bluebell eyes that he oddly felt like he could swim in. But the thing that interested him the most was her scent. He could smell her even from a distance, and...she smelled like croissants. 

His eyes widened, and he crawled over to her, wondering if she had any on her. 

He was actually quite hungry.  

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