Heaven Dream| September 6,2020

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It all started when we had free time, because we already completed our duties said by the 'God' or as i call her, my teacher. The place was bright, the floor was an fluffy cloud but not too fluffy, sorta like a pillow. The walls were just plain white walls, and 3 portal gates all together but not connected. Each of them led to the other places. The first gate was pink, it was known for both strict and fun, which it's the one I'm in.

The second one is yellow, it was known for ONLY strict angels. You can pick where you want to go but to switch again, you must do something.

The third portal is red, it's known for fun. You do no work but play & play all day. It's fun! But you must know what to do in a crisis if there was ever one.

There was a main gate, where our teacher told us not to go to because you would never come back. It's always raining and super dark and foggy, behind that black door. Supposedly, devils & demons are in that black fog. Only they can come out of there and go in again.

At first I thought, "Oh okay, wonder why you wouldn't come back though!" Not sure how they get past the securities or the alarms.

Anyways, the colors represent what you do there. I'm in pink but inside it's just white like in every other floating cloud. We travel through those portals except for the black one with chains around it and a special barrier that angels can't go through unless their holding hands with a devil/ or demon.

On that same day or I guess it isn't a day, because time travels much faster than in the human world. In the night time, the friend that I had in the start, when I woke up from (I guess) my nap.

She said, if you want to be in where I am you must do the, head, shoulders, knees, & toes laying down, then you'll flip to where I am.

So I did, and I flipped upside down. I was much more comfortable than I was laying down tbh. I was siting on a cloud. That chair cloud with out legs, is outside of the place but slightly underneath the surface of where I was laying down.

To get back up on that surface, I forgot what you do but I'm guessing that when the teacher says, "Times up! Sleeping time, then back to work!" You return to your cloudy surface. We don't walk or fly but we float to our changing rooms.

Once done changing to out pj's. We go to bed, the surface is already our bed so we signal the blankets to come to us. The first second that we all close our eyes, it's morning but fully rested.

I decided to stay awake because I wasn't that tired. My friend, she waited until the teacher was sleeping. My friend, she was the leader of my group, wherever she goes, I and the other ppl in the group goes.

There's 3 other ppl besides me and my friend. 5 in total.

My friend, alerted me and the other 3 to wake up. She wanted to show us that behind the black door, there's no "Danger". Anyways, we followed her and she was already half there along with the other 3.
She told me, "aren't you coming, I want to show you that it's fine to come here!!"

I'm not stupid, so I said no and quickly alerted my teacher.

My friend, she opened the black gate as if there were no chains or no one-sided door to open. It's like she just went through.

Although, when I alerted my teacher, she was mad obviously because no angel should be awake at this time!

When I explained her the situation. She was furious.
That's when I woke up from that weird dream. Honestly, it was normal bc it started when I already finished my work and my errands. It was just recess. I am curious on what's behind that black door but I guess it was TOO dark for me to follow her. I do also want to know what happened to the angels that followed her. But after all of that, I did know that she was a demon/ or devil because at the end her smile was a evil one. The angels didn't have a face but my friend there, did have one. But I didn't recognize her.
I tried my very best to explain it!

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