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He had sworn to himself that he would never drag anyone, especially Phil, back into his mess of a life. And yet, on the brink of death, he knew there was no other way. He would forever hate himself for what he was about to do, but there was a threat bigger than his own self-loathing out there, and only one person would be able to stop it.
With shaky, blood-stained hands, he hauled himself onto his elbows, head dropping back against rock from the lack of strength he had left.
He looked to the trees nearby, mere shadows in the night sky as he whispered to the crows he knew were watching,
"Tell Phil that they're back." Was all he could manage before falling to the ground, vision emerged in darkness before the impact was felt.
There was a squawk, as if in confirmation that his message was received, then silence.
Then there was another.
And another.
Until the message was passed on smoothly, each caw growing in distance, one after the other, traveling down the coast.

Hello to all new and old readers. 

I'm back. 

Just before I upload the next chapter I'll put the trigger warnings here, because I don't do them before chapters. 

Gore warnings, (most of my old readers will know this one) I do not shy from blood so if this makes you uncomfortable do not read. If I think of any more trigger warnings, I'll add them. 

Should I upload on Ao3?  And please do not copy my work or compare my work to others because it makes it harder to write when I don't think my work is good enough. 

Have a good day and know that this story is brewing :D

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