Part four: Instincts

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Wilbur wondered if he was dead.

The sky was painted in disorientating colours, shapes dissipating and morphing in smoky forms, curling and slithering through the air. It made him woozy as if he'd just drank one too many drinks.

But if he were dead, why did it hurt so bad?

Reality slammed into him like a thousand bulls. He shot upright, limbs flashing with pain and head blistering with white hot agony.

"Tommy." He rasped.

Where was he? Where was Wilbur's little brother?

Panic filled Wilbur, and he hauled himself up with a groan of pain, not bothering to wait for the swarming darkness to leave his vision before limping to the door that sat, closed, at the front of the room.

In the back of his mind, Wilbur distantly recognised the furniture and structure of the room, but head clouded in panic and desperation, he fumbled around everything.

"Tommy?" He called, voice breaking.

Tommy was gone. Tommy was gone.

Tommy was gone—


He turned to his left, where the golden haired boy stood in a trance by the stairs.

"Tommy," Wilbur breathed, legs buckling with the weight of his relief. Tommy rushed over, tears streaming down his soot covered cheeks.

"Wil," he whispered, throwing his arms around his older brother's neck, "I thought you were dead."

So did Wilbur, but he kept silent, content with hugging his brother.

"What—" Wilbur tried to talk, but his voice cracked with the lack of use, "What happened?" It sounded weak and shaky, but the elder brother couldn't bring himself to care.

"They took Phil," Tommy croaked, burying his head into Wilbur's shoulder, "and Kristen. I think I accidentally used my magic, because everything went dark and the... they all froze. I think one was scared, but the one with the mask... blood dripped from his chin, like his nose was bleeding. They left very fast."

The younger brother shook, fresh tears springing to his eyes as he tried to continue. Wilbur hushed him, "It's okay, Tommy. It's okay."

But Tommy only shook his head, "They're gone, Wil."

"I know." And he did. Wilbur was already thinking back to everything Philza had told him. Wilbur had trained to protect Tommy at all costs, he could do this.

Muscles screaming in pain, Wilbur pulled them both to their feet. "We have to head to the Spider Docks. The Captain will look after us."

Tommy shook his head a second time. His hand dived into his pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper and handed it to Wilbur. As Wilbur unfolded it, Tommy spoke.

"Father gave it to me."

It was a photo. Creased and stained, Wilbur could make out Philza standing next to someone, their hair long and pink, a golden fox in his arms. He turned it over, reading the pen on the back.
"Friends of emerald, Loyal to the end. You think I'm meant to find this person?"

"He's not a person, Wil. He's a god. And Philza said there was no one stronger than him."

Wilbur considered this. He would do anything to protect Tommy, but he also wanted everything to go back to normal. Perhaps if he got this god to help him...

"If I look for this... god, will you go to the Captain? I need to know that you will be safe."
"Please, Tommy." The blue-eyed boy slumped his shoulders in defeat.

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