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Robb was shocked and impressed at how much that girl could eat. Renly obviously had the same thought.

"Who's been starving you green eyes?"

Alayne said something with her mouth full, then roled her eyes and jerked her head at her mother, who was picking at her food with a look of distaste.

"Ah. I see. What's she trying to do, starve you into submission?" Alayne snorted, and Arya and Robb looked at her. She saw them and raised an eyebrow at both of them.

"She's trying to make me keep my figure," she said, putting stress on the word figure, "She obviously doesn't know that I need a lot of food, and to sword fight and hunt to do so. And besides," she continued, angling herself backwards, as to see both Robb and Arya, "you two have spent a whole day with me, and saw me floor Joff, do you really think that I'm your typical Princess?"

"We know. We just... didn't expect you to be interested in out doors things..." Robb tried to explain, but Alayne just waved it off. She was clearly not insulted, just playing.

She yawned slightly and leaned her head on Robb's shoulder, shuffling slightly to be more comfortable. Renly narrowed his eyes at Robb clearly sending a message: 'Hurt her, you deal with me.'

Then his gaze softened as he looked at his niece's peaceful expression 'Look after her.' another look told him.

He nodded slightly as to not disturb her, but she was broken out of the half sleep- like trance by Sansa and Arya arguing yet again.

Arya had thrown a spoonful of something that had hit Sansa in the face. She was now shouting at her, and was highly embarassed.

"Come on you, time for bed." Robb sighed picking up Arya.

"I think I'll also retire Uncle. Are you okay to tell Mother and Father that I've gone to bed?"

He nodded and the three made their way out of the great hall. On the way out, Alayne paused and squeezed Sansa's shoulder in a comforting gesture, and the younger girl looked up at her, obviously grateful.

Alayne clearly was not only Arya's role model, but Sansa's too. The two sisters were so alike in some ways, yet completely different in others. Finally they were out of the great hall, and the princess sighed with relief then let out a little laugh.

"Not that I'm encouraging you Ar, but you have incredible aim!"

Arya grinned and Robb laughed at the comment. When they got to Arya's chaimbers they found two maids waiting for her that had been sent up the fast way from the feast.

Alayne smiled and kissed the top of Arya's head before bidding her goodnight and giving her over into the waiting arms of the maids. The door shut behind them and she smiled before nudging Robb.

"That little sister of yours is a real fire cracker isn't she." He smiled, knowing that the two girls had taken an immediate liking to each other. He found that his throat was too dry to answer, so he meerly nodded.

She moved closer too him and intwined their fingers. Shyly, she looked back up at him and he beamed. They clung onto each other as they walked to her rooms. At the door they relised their hands and both looked at each other.

Smiling, she kissed his cheek, then opened the door, walked inside and closed it softly.

Robb stood there staring at the door, and his hand floated to his cheek. Felt like it was on fire where her lips had touched his skin.

Still in a daze he walked away, and before he realised it, he was at Jon's door. He knocked quietly, and the door opened a crack. Jon's tear stained face half appeared, and immediately all other thoughts were out of his mind.

"Are you alright?" He asked, after Jon had pulled him inside and shut the door quickly. Jon shook his head and spilled out everything, the drink, the pretty girl, wanting to join the Night's Watch and everyone laughing at him.

Robb was pretty glad that Arya and Alayne had left before this took place, if they were as alike as they seemed, they would have most likely attacked anyone that was mean to Jon and that would have left a whole load of corpses.

"Anyway, why are you here? You looked all floaty, cloud of happiness when I answered the door." Jon looked suspicously at him, and Robb's hand flew to his cheek again.

"She kissed my cheek." Jon raised his eyebrows but pretended to look confused.

"Who did?" Robb rolled his eyes at his brothers fained ignorance. He knew that Jon wanted him to say it out loud, so that he could tell Theon and Theon could go on teasing Robb.

"Alayne. Alayne kissed me."

[a/n : aww... my little babies. Oh I feel bad for what is going to come and smack them in the face]

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