𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠👉👈

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2 Day's Later(sunday):
Y/n pov:

'i haven't been in any relationships before,what do i do( ˙-˙ )' you thought

pacing around your bedroom

"sweetie are you still awake?" your mother said on the other side of the door

"yea?whats up?" i said looking at my clock '7:11pm'

you walked to your bedroom door to be greeted by your mother

"my boyfriend made some cookies-you want some?" your mother said while handing you the plate of cookies

"my boyfriend made some cookies-you want some?" your mother said while handing you the plate of cookies

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"thanks mom tell *insert mom's boyfriend's name* thank you from me" i said giving a soft smile(uwu)

"ofcourse,i need to get going,i'll see you later dear" mom said rushing out of my room

'should i ask mom relationship advice?,,nah' i thought while closing the door

i walked to my bed and saw saiki staring at me by my window

Saiki K Pov:

'y/n caught me staring at her by the window' i said in my head

thinking if y/n thought i was creepy or not

y/n awkwardly smiled and waved at me while she was going to lay down on her bed

'why was saiki staring at me?its kinda erm..i guess creepy' I jumped in surprise to hear someone's thoughts

its not just anyone's thoughts
it was y/n's

'she mustve took off her rings'i thought
(a/n-her germanium rings btw)

the next morning:
Y/n Pov:

i got up from my bed and headed down stairs to eat some breakfast i check the table to see a note

goodmorning sweetie! im at work right now,so you have to eat breakfast alone i made you pancakes!i'll get home as soon as possible i love you<3

you sighed as you looked at the food infront of you

you sighed as you looked at the food infront of you

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*Change it if you want^^

"wow!" you said as you took a fork to eat your breakfast

'i wonder what saiki is doing..we have to do the dating act today'

Saiki K Pov:

'i wonder what saiki is doing..we have to do the dating act today' y/n thought

'oh yea..i forgot about that' i said in my head

time skip to on your way to school:
still saiki k pov:

i was walking to school with my fake girlfriend y/n "uhm saiki do we hold hands or something?i think thats what couples do..we don't have to if you don't want to-" i cut off y/n by holding her hand

giving it a light squeeze which made y/n turn red and looked away in embarrassment

y/n pov:


"hey y/n!!hey saiki~~" then teruhashi's eyes went wide when she noticed something that she feared the most

kokomi teruhashi pov:

my eyes went wide when i saw y/n's hand..HOLDING SAIKI'S HAND

'no no no no this can't be happening' i said in my head

"y-y/n are you perhaps dating saiki..?" i said trying not to sound upset

y/n's face turns red and said"yea" y/n said as she rubbed the back of her neck

"oh congrats on your relationship^^" i said trying my best not to snap at her

"i need to go now see you" i said while running away from the two figures

saiki k pov:

'THAT Y/N GIRL DOESNT DESERVE SAIKI!' Teruhashi said in her thoughts

'that girl isnt gonna give up so easily is she..' i said in my head while staring off to space

"uhm saiki?" y/n said snapping me out of my thoughts
i looked at her

"your still holding my hand-the teachers might catch us( ˙_˙"٥)"
y/n said nervously

i immediately let go of y/n's hand and we both went to class.

*a/n-yep this is bad(╥﹏╥)*

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 | 𝗄𝗎𝗌𝗎𝗈 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝗄𝗂Where stories live. Discover now