Chapter 1

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Emelia's POV

"Skyla, for the love of all things good, let go of your sister's hair!" I say, giving her the mommy-stare. I manage to get in between them, to pry Skyla's hand out of her sister's hair but it's like prying off a newborn's grip. These two are always on each other's throats, whether in or out of headspace. Don't get me wrong, I'm lucky to have these two pups, but they're giving me grey hairs way too early.

Having two littles is tricky because they're sometimes in different headspaces and I have to attend to them accordingly. Another tricky aspect is their personalities, they are like night and day. I never know what to expect from them but I know mischief will always be involved.

Skyla's our big girl, about 3 in little space. She a little sassy minx, always landing herself in hot water. One thing about her is she'll fight the world for her sister, the upside of her bold and extroverted self. Pia's our little girl, around 2 in little space, not much of a age difference between them. Pia, my sweeter or more gentle of the two will definitely let you know she's around. Shy as a mouse around strangers, but shines when she's comfortable. They're spoiled rotten by their daddy but guess who has to bear the repercussions. I learn't to parent these two the hard way, working from and having them around me often.

Anyway, back to my current predicament, "Skyla, you let go right now, young lady." I say. I'm trying my hardest to not tip over right now, I just brushed knots out of Pia's hair and here we are again. Sky hesitates for a while before she finally lets go.

"She doesn't wanna give me my phone back! She started it and now she's playing the victim." Skyla says. Sensing another argument I quickly shift my attention to Pia. "Pia, give her back her phone." I say firmly.

"Mommy I just wanted to see something." Pia says giving me a pout. A pout is certainly not fitting in this case because she's in the wrong.

"Give. It. Back!" I say stressing each word. These girls are constantly pushing my buttons, but I love them to bits. It's rewarding having them as my own. I couldn't have kids of my own so having these girls is like a reward. It's the best feeling to know you're needed and how valuable you are to them.

Skyla mouthes something under her breath, thinking I wouldn't notice. I certainly noticed the curse word she just directed at her sister. "Skyla-Paige, unless you're trying to get yourself over my lap, you better behave yourself!" I warned. I thought boys were the trouble makers, but I've obviously been proven wrong.

"Yes, Mommy," she responds giving me her doe-eyed look, a tactic my girls often use to get out of trouble. Their eyes are undeniably their most striking feature. Pia's being grey which goes well with her auburn hair and Sky's being green with her dark hair.

"Girls, have your breakfast. Pia you're going to be late, and I won't be making excuses for you this time. Make sure to run a brush through your hair because someone made it messy. " I glare in Skyla's direction. "We don't want you looking messy at work." I say leaving to start with the laundry.

Pia works part-time at a nearby library, three days a week was what we settled on. I got her into applying because I wanted her to step out of her comfort zone. It helps that she's a little bookworm, so working there should feel more like a treat than a chore.

I place the dark clothes in one machine and the light clothes in the other. After a while Pia comes in. "Mommy I'm leaving now." She says holding me around the waist.

"Be good, I love you." I say giving her a tight squeeze and a kiss on her cheek. "I'll be there to pick you up later." I tell her and she nods. "Where's your daddy?"

"I'm right here!" Soul says holding the lower of my back and pecks my lips. "We're leaving now, don't be too harsh on my sky-bug." I roll my eyes smirking. "Let's go Pia-bee," he says picking her up. I love the way he treats our girls, he has such a gentle spot for them. His little "bug and bee" as he puts it.

"Daddy I'm not little." Pia whines but still cuddles into him.

"Baby you're going to make her slip." I say.

"I won't." He says kissing me again. I notice the look of disgust plastered on Pia's face. They're not fans of our kissing. Soul turns around leaving and I go back to doing the laundry. Skyla comes in, sits on the floor with her arms wrapped around my leg. I can tell she's regressed by the paci that's now in her mouth.

I finally attend to her once I'm done. "What's the matter baby?" She doesn't respond but gives me grabby hands. I pick her up setting her on my hip. "Can you tell mama why you're upset?" She shrugs putting her head on my shoulder. "Do you just need mommy to hold you?" I ask and all I get is suckling noises.

I take her to her nursery laying her on the changing table and she isn't too happy about that. She sniffles quietly with tears running down the sides of her face which pulls on my heart strings. "Mommy's going to hold you in a second sweetheart, let's just get some protection on your little bum." I say patting her butt cheek gently to calm her down.

I quickly get her diaper on and put her in a yellow romper. I pick her up bouncing her gently until she calms down. "You're having big feelings aren't you?" She nods. I brush my nose against hers then reach for a baby wipe to clean her face after all the crying. I remove her paci so I don't miss a spot.

"Mama no!" She shouts turning her face away from me. She takes her paci back putting it in her mouth again.

"Alright it's all done." I say rubbing her cheek with my thumb. "Maybe Mama should put you down for a little morning nap." I test the waters already knowing the response I'm gonna get.

"No, I play with Bow and fwends Mama no nap!" Shes squirms wanting to be put down. She removes her paci handing it to me. She grabs Bow - her little cow stuffy with a bow on its head - and waddles out of the room, such a cutie.

(Note: this book will mostly be in Pia/skyla's POV, this was just to introduce the girls from their mothers POV)

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