Chapter 1

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On a quiet, peaceful day a shout can be heard from a lovely two storey house. The said woman was hiding in the garage, behind her car.

"Why are we hiding dada?" The kid who was on Lisa's lap said while looking at his dada with curious eyes.

"We, uh.. W-we are playing hide and seek with mommy." Lisa stuttered while looking helplessly at her son's face which is smudged with different colours of lipstick.



Lisa was so terrified she quickly scattered out of her hiding spot and ran inside her home with her son still in her arms.

"Yey! I am superman" Her son not understanding how nerve-wracking the moment is spread his hands out like superman and yelled out in excitement.


She was running so fast she almost fell by stumbling on the porch steps but thank god she was a basketball player before and her reflexes kicked in making her recover her posture before another accident occurs.

"O-" Before her wife can finish she opened the door and went in panting and squatted down before putting her son on the floor.

After regaining her breath she looked up to see her wife looking at her with arms crossed making her bosoms stick out. Her eyes stayed there until she heard a cough.

"Eyes up here Manoban" She said sternly when she noticed where her pervert wife's eyes were.

Lisa looked around not so sneakily looking for a way to flee when necessary. Her wife looked at her son and gasped while dramatically putting her hands on her mouth when she saw his face.

"Omg! What have you done Lalisa!" She said while rushing to her son. She looked at her wife accusingly and started walking to the washroom to wipe his face.

"What have I done?!? Does it look like I did that?" Lisa said exasperatingly. She followed her wife while grumbling about how unfair it is for her to take the blame for everything their son does.

"Lalisa for god sake I am not saying you did it! I am saying where the f- I mean where were you when this happened??" She was about to curse but remembered their son was there.

"I just went t-" Lisa was going to retaliate when got cut off by her.

"cuz I remember telling you for about how many times to not even take your eyes off him for a god damn second! Can you imagine what could have happened if he went near the kitchen? An accident could have occurred! And the fact that he destroyed all my lipsticks is even more severe tHAN THAT!!!"

"-to the bathroom..." Lisa muttered slowly while retreating backwards when she saw the anger in her wife, Jennie's eyes. After wiping her son's face clean Jennie looked at him.

"No more Nintendo for you young man."

"But Mom!" He whined.

"No buts go to your room and reflect on what you just did." She said in a firm tone. He looked down and slowly went to his room. She waited for him to go out of earshot before looking back at Lisa who was looking down like she was the same age as her son.

After staying silent for a while Jennie sighed and can't help but smile at the cute sight before her.

"I am sorry.." Before she can say anything Lisa uttered while peeking at her before again looking down.

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