Chapter 3

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Note:Final Edit

I land on my left side and the stitches tear open instantly. It is the last of my concerns. The ground shakes violently, and it is so hot I am sure we are cooking inside. Natasha braces against me. Yet, the worse is Steve's scream of rage and agony as he holds his shield up to cover us all as the whole building caves in.

I am deaf and can hardly see. My lungs burn, my head rings, and to my horror, Natasha is unconscious in my arms. The explosion has passed, I am not sure how long ago. I can't see Steve.

"Nat." I am afraid to move her, she has blood coming out from a wound in her head. "Nat!"

It is not time to cry and panic. We need to get out of here.

"Steve!" I yell as loud as I can, the effort tearing apart my chest.

"Alex! I am here." I still can't see him, his voice seems to be close.

Oh thanks God.

"Can you walk?" He asks.

"Yes! Yes I can." I don't let go of Natasha.

"I will carry her, she is alive, but we won't if we don't get out of here."

I release Nat and get myself up. I am also bleeding from all over, but the adrenaline makes it hard to know what exactly is hurt. Nothing seems to be broken though. Steve takes Natasha in his arms and makes the way towards the line of trees. I follow as close as I can, my tears cleansing my eyesight enough to not tumble and fall.

"Wait here, I will go to the truck and pick you up." He orders me and I do as told.

It will be faster than me dragging myself for two miles. Just as expected, he is back before I know it. Nat lays on the back, and now I am riding shotgun.

"The explosion should keep them occupied for a while. They will be looking for bodies." Steve assures me.

"This is a good time to involve Sam. He is probably going nuts looking for me." I close my eyes and it stings. "What is Project Insight?" I blur out the question.

"S.H.I.E.L.D developed armed helicarriers that can eliminate any target from the sky."

I know then what that machine was talking about. I can't believe all this. We finally know how it all tied together, why S.H.I.E.L.D turned it's back on Steve, why they send the Winter Soldier after Fury, after me. Now, if they are not stopped, there is nothing Steve can do to protect anyone, let alone me.

That is if the Winter Soldier doesn't get to us before that.

"This is why they would need unrestricted access to someone's digital life. There is nothing anyone can hide there, they can use the data feed their algorithm. To possible targets. They already do." I add.

I am drained of the little energy I have left. I've had been delusional to think I could ever avenge my family, that I could ever make a difference. The tears that run down my face are not cleansing ones but pure anger and dispare. That stupid scientist in that creepy computer was right. I was going to die and had amounted to nothing.

What pulls me out of these thoughts is Steve, he take my hand and squeezes. A gesture so simple and yet, it grounds me.

"Remember, together." His soft voice sooths my fear.

I take a deep breath. I need to keep it together. Nat is unconscious in the back, we are wanted, the assassin still out there. There is no time to fall apart right now.

I nod my head. Together, I repeat in my head as I make eye contact with him through the review mirror.

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