Part One

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Peacefully sleeping in my bed, but when I was woken up by a calm soft voice.
"Mariah, honey wake up. You're father and I have some news for you"

I slightly open my eyes and slowly got off my bed.
"I'll be down in 10 minutes"

"Alright dear but be quick"
"I will mom"I replied
She kissed my forehead and heeded her way downstairs

I walked to my bathroom and took a nice hot shower and when I was done I brushed my hair, my teeth and got dressed into a cute outfit and headed downstairs

"I'm here mom" I say with a smile

"So honey me and your mom were thinking and made a decision on sending you to school in Hogwarts with your brother" My father said taking a sip of his coffee

"My goodness" I almost screamed with excitement
"Thank you!"I hug my dad

Draco came down and sat on the other side
He looked at me with confusion and asked
"Why are you excited about?"

"Draco dear, your sister is going to Hogwarts with you."Mom said

"Wait, WHAT?"Draco said pissed

"Something wrong Draco?"I say while raising a eyebrow

"Yes there is, why do you need to go with me" Draco angrily asked

"Because we agreed so, now behave" Our father said a bit annoyed

Draco rolled his eyes

Dear I, made breakfast here's your food if you're hungry, and the train is coming soon, be ready."Mom said

"Thank you, mom!"
I hugged her and walked to my room

I packed my stuff and had already gone out, I can see Draco behind so I waited for him

"What do you want now" he asked

"Well I don't know my way to Hogwarts so you need to show me around"

He ignored my answer and started walking faster as I followed behind

"I sometimes think to myself, why does he hate me. I did nothing wrong to him. I was always there for him, helped him. Didn't I?"
I think to myself and sigh

We finally made it and went inside
Draco already left leaving me all alone

A friendly voice spoke behind me
"Hey, I'm Hailey are you new?"

"Hi I'm Mariah and yes I am new I just got here and I don't even know where to go my awful brother just left me here, "I replied

"It's nice to meet you, and the same happens to my brother would leave me anywhere, but I luckily know my way around"She smiled

"Come, I'll introduce you to my friends"She added

"Will they be ok if I stayed with y'all " I questioned

"Of course bitch ,girl they won't mind, follow me" She walked me to their cabin

She opened the door and we walked in

"Everyone I'd like you to meet my friend Mariah, she's new here," Hailey said with excitement

And one by one they greeted me, Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Harry.

"It's nice to meet you all, I'm Maria Malfoy, "I said while smiling

Everybody looked a bit shocked

"Wait so Draco Malfoy is your brother?"Harry asked

"Yes I'm his younger sister, why are you two friends or something?"

"Never in my life would I be friends with him and besides me and are enemies, he's known for his rudeness ever since he first got here,"

"Well I'm sure that I'm WAY nicer then him if you don't want me here I can leave-" I got cut off by Luna

"Of course not, it's a pleasure to have you here"She smiled warmly

"And besides we won't mind if you're a Malfoy every one is the same and gets treated with respect, only if they deserve it of course" Ron added

"I forgot to say something I think 2 more people are joining as well " Hermione said

"Yeah I heard when Dumbledore and talking with someone, I think he said that the Riddle brothers are coming today" Hailey replied

My eyes widened
"Wait the Riddle brother AKA Lord Voldermorts sons" I ask

"I hope it's just a rumour I know and they'll dislike me ofc, I already got problems with Draco and Voldermort himself and now them"Harry spat annoyed

"Be careful Mariah if they fall in love with you, it's over for you girl "Ron joked

"Nah, I highly doubt it" I laugh it off

"Are you kidding? Your so pretty that every man would be lucky to be with you" Harry said

Hailey smirked at me

"Ooo does my brother have a little crush??"
Hailey gave him a look

"Can I be the bridesmaid for the wedding? "Luna joked

I laugh a bit

"I'm sure that harry didn't mean it in that way, right harry?"I wink at him

Harry nodded embarrassed
"Well I think its time for us to head out"

"Yeah agree"

Everybody took their stuff and headed to Hogwarts with everybody else.

I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me to them

"Why the hell were you with them"Draco spat

"Well if my brother would stay with me it wouldn't be with them and besides they are were better friends in 20 minutes than my brother my whole life" Mariah replied with anger

"Out of all people you choose the stupid potters, the mudblood and weaslebee"He spat

He turned his back to walk away but stopped
"Pathetic" He said while walking off

I rolled my eyes as I think to myself
"Who is he to tell me who to hang out with"

I followed the rest and went into the main hall and sat down

"We saw you with Draco was he mad because you were with us?"Harry asked and stared at Draco giving him a look

"Eh,I don't even care what that blonde ferret thinks"

Harry chuckled

Everybody sat down and dumbledore began to speak

"Welcome to a new day at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are that 3 new students are joining, I will call them one by one and you will come and be sorted in your house. First is Mariah Malfoy.

I got a bit scared that I was first but I stood up and walk to the sorting hat

Dumbledore placed the hat on my head and with no hesitations yells "SLYTHERIN"

I smiled and made my way to the Slytherin table and sit down

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