Part Two

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I heeded to the Slythetin Table and sat next to Draco

"Next is ..Tom Riddle"Dumbledore said

Tom made his way to Dumbledore was sorted Slytherin of course

"And last Mattheo riddle"Dumbledore said

I stared at Mattheo as he made his way and got sorted into Slytherin

I lock eye contact with the brother but I
quickly broke eye contact and look down

"Now everyone to go your comon rooms and head to class"Dumbledore announced

I took my books and went to the comon room, i saw on a nerby couch and loosened up

By the door saw a cute guy heeded my way and sat next to me

"Hello, Mariah i'm i right?"The guy says smiling

I smile back
"Why yes,and you are?

"Lorenzo,Lorenzo Berkshire"He softly smiled

His looks,his voice,his smile are breath taking i was busy staring at him that i dident even listen on that we was saying

"Mariah is everything alright?"

I realise that I was staring at him for a while
"Shit, yes everything is ok"
I look down in embarrassment

It was silent for about a minute but Lorenzo ended the silence
"Our first class is Potions i think we should go Professor hates when someone is late"

I agree and I took my heavy books and stood up when Lorenzo offered to help
"May i help?"

"Yes please, they are super heavy"I say while handing my books to him

We both went to potions and sat down beside each other

I saw Tom and Mattheo Entering and they saw behind me and Lorenzo and infront were Hermione and Hayley

When Snape finally decided to show up the whole class went silent

"Turn to page 394. There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few..."He said in his cold tone

He looked at me and said
Miss Malfoy since your new you will have some questions asked,Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?

I gulped
You'd brew a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death...

"Correct, Where would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?"

A bezoar is a stone taken from stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons."

"Correct again now tell me what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

It is perhaps a more poignant sentence when looked at through the language of flowers. Monkshood is associated with chivalry' while wolfsbane can mean misanothropy or a dislike of others.

"Correct Good job...10 points to Slythein"

"Good job , since when did you get so smart" Lorenzo said

"What can in say, i was born a genius" I laughed

I look over all Mattheo and he was already looking back

"Good job , Miss Malfoy"Mattheo said while smirking

I smile at him
"Why thank you, Mr.Riddle"

"Where did you learn that from it's a bit hard for someone like you,don't you think"Tom added

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