finding zoro

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(Marco & ace pov)

Ace is having a dilemma, one he has never been alone with a stranger and two the stranger is hot as fuck. I mean seriously who wouldn't think a tall, blond hair male with blue eyes would be so damn hot and sexy. I mean sabo is blond and blue eyes but sabo's his brother does that mean I should consider the taller male as brother too but he doesn't want the taller blond as his brother he feels different from sabo.

He wants to smack and play with sabo but with Marco he wants to be eaten by him ........ ugh he didn't understand I should really ask sabo or robin oh wait I could ask Marco himself.

"umm.... Marco"
"I want to ask you something"
"shoot ahead"
"Well when your he...." a loud thunder was heard which startled them more ace than Marco.

Ace snatched marco's hand and held it tightly his breathing was coming uneven but he forced himself to calm down. Marco notice his actions and continued to hold his hand and comfort him.

Couple of minutes later and ace calm down, his breathing was stable he was about to thank Marco when the small den den mushi rang.

"Hai" answered marco.
"Marco is that you?" the voice on the other line ask.
"Yes it's me. Is something wrong?"
"No, I just wanted to inform you that we found vivi and were heading back to the house cause she's wet and muddy. We did not find zoro apparently zoro got lost when they entered the woods so keep your eyes open for him bye"
"Ok thanks and he hung up"

"who called?" ace asked marco.
"Your brother"
"Sabo?" Marco nodded, "he hung up on you" again he nodded. "Sabos like that he doesn't let you finish, we kinda got used to it" ace just shrugged his shoulders and continued walk.

Now it was time for Marco to have a dilemma, Marco knew he liked ace the moment he laid eyes on him. The cute freckles that dusted his cheeks he wants to find out if they were spread around his body too. The stormy gray eyes that shine when ace is excited. He wants to touch ace's raven hair to feel if they're soft or stiff. Marco wants lots of things from ace such as to make a mess of ace to ruined him, make him cry, beg and moan damn he's a sadist.

He should really stop thinking about ace like that stay calm Marco everything will be alright no need to think about ace spread on the bed with tears streaming down his red, blushing, freckled cheeks. Shit he can't do it he just can't.

He was so deep in thoughts that he didn't notice ace had stopped and bumped into him.
"Why did you stop?"

"We're close to the barrier"
"how far is the barrier from here"
"Not sure, I'll just walk and if I come impact with something then that's the barrier."

Ace walked a few steps when he hit something the impact wasn't hard as sabo but it was enough to push him backwards.
"Yup that is definitely the barrier"
"Who put that barrier? I can't even sense it"
"The old man put up this barrier for us something to do so we get protected from the outside world. The first barrier makes you lose your sense of direction you will wander the woods until you get out it like a maze. There are just three ways to get to the second barrier you have to either know how to get here or someone shows you the way or stumble upon it. How did you and your brothers get in here?"
"We followed an animal I think I'm not sure what we followed but it was a color like yellow and orange."
"I know what you followed or more like who you followed"
"Really, who is it"
"You don't have to worry let's go back the storm is getting worse"

As they were about to turn around the den den mushi rang information them that they found zoro.

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