005 (filler chapter but very important to the story)

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A.N=Y'all better get exited because the good parts are coming

We all started to ride away from school to go meet el outside of the power lines.

You rode behind the boys trying to remember that you were supposed to be mad at them.

You almost didn't notice that mike was slowing down his pace just to be with you.

"Hey" he said

It wasn't loud. It wasn't sarcastic. It wasn't annoying. It was just mike.

But for some odd reason that scared you. You then fell off your bike cashing mike to jump of his and Lucas and Dustin to stop.

"Oh my gosh, Mimi are you ok!" Mike asks

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" you say

"Falling for him again I see" Lucas say with a smirk

"Shut up Lucas" you say wiping the dirt off that had gotten onto you face.

"Your just upset because it's true" Dustin said backing Lucas up

Mike then grabbed your face and the kissed you lips. He then pulled away.

Your eyes where wide and your cheeks that where scattered with freckles and flushed pink.

"Holy shit" you said "I gotta sit down for this one"

Lucas and Dustin had wide eyes. And we're for once in there life speechless.

"I'd that what you wanted?" Mike asked the two

"Yeah sure but you could also do the other thing that we discussed?" Dustin said

Mike looked down at Mia and asked "Mimi ?"

"Yeah?" she said looking at mike

She stood up and grabbed her Bike ready to start biking again. And she did so.

Until mike sighed and yelled

"Mia rose Byers will you be my girlfriend"

You stoped and got off your bike letting it fall to the ground. You started to walk over to mike.

"Now it's fine if you don't want to b-"

You immediately cut him of by giving him a hug. He was hesitant to hug back but he did.

"Ok guys we're going to be late for el" Dustin states

"Just one more minute" mike says

You chuckle As Lucas and Dustin start to bike away.

What happened today
*kissed my favorite boy
*hugged my favorite boy
*favorite boy became boyfriend

"Well there goes my bucket list" you thought as mike pulled away from the hug

You both got on your bikes and started to bike to the power lines making small talk along the way.

But that didn't change the fact that you brother was still missing.

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