Dreaming Of Arcades

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   Bad had just gotten off of a stream with Quackity and Skeppy. They were both fighting over him again. The chat loved it but on the other hand Bad found it exhausting.

   Why would Bad be tired from this? Well, it was because Bad was confused on what he felt for both of the boys. He liked them a lot but he noticed his feelings would blurry between friendship and love.

   Defeated, Bad fell onto his bed. His head crashed into the pillow and he covered himself in a soft blanket that wrapped around him like a taco.

   Soon enough, the demon boy drifted off to bed.


     "I'm gonna get more tokens okay!" Bad smiled at Dream and Sapnap.

   He was at an arcade with the dream team. George was off playing games still.

   Dream and Sap waved at Bad and he walked off.

   The brunette wondered around the arcade. There were so many machines and games to play he got lost.

   Bad found himself going down a hallway. He was curious as to where it lead but from the distance he could see the room held more arcade games.

   That's when he noticed. Quackity was behind him? Bad looked behind him to see the familiar cute face of Q.

   Bad knew Quackity wanted to talk to him. It was a gut feeling.

   Bad went into the room; opening the glass door and waiting for Quackity.

     "..Bad? Can I talk to you please?"

   Oh how good Quackity looked in that navy blue sweater. Bad just wanted to stare at him because of how pretty he is.

   Even though Quackity looked good with the hoodie on Bad would perfer to have it off.

   Bad nodded and Quackity continued to talk. Bad wasn't paying attention though.

'This is a dream, I know it is.'
'Kiss him, Kiss Quackity'
'I want to kiss him so badly'

   The demon boy cupped Quackitys face and crashed his lips into the others. They melted into the kiss and Bad wished for it to never end.

   As Quackity pulled away Bad whined and wrapped his arms around the ducks neck.

   They stared into each other's eyes, damn Bad was hypnotized.

     "Bad-" Quackity said breathlessly making Halo blush, "Why did you do that?"

   "I..." The brunette panicked. Looking for any kind of valid excuse. "I don't know"

   The other didn't seem satisfied with the answer he gave.

   Quackity stared into the shorters eyes. Bad could tell that he wanted another kiss. So he leaned in. "Quackity can I? Please?"

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