Explanations and Dread

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You opened the door to the academy while fighting back tears. You knew Cordelia wanted to apologize, but you were too hurt to hear it, or even accept it. You toppled up the stairs as you heard the front door open.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" You heard Cordelia yell from the bottom of the stairs.

You started running faster as you heard her start to chase you up the stairs.

You reached the top when Cordelia grabbed your wrist.

"I'm sorry!" She pleaded after you turned around. "Let me explain!"

"Okay then explain!" You ripped your arm away from her gentle grasp. "Where were you?"

Cordelia's face scrunched. She still had tears on her cheeks.

"I- I cant tell you." She signed.

You stepped away from her and locked yourself in the bathroom. You slid down the door and buried your head into your knees. You choked on a sob. Your face in a tight gin from holding the tears. Although, you had no luck. You could taste them in your mouth.

"(Y/n)!" Cordelia pounded on the door. You heard her hit the door one more time and then slide down.

Your heart panged when you heard her sob.

"I cant tell you. Because, because I know it will hurt your feelings." She finally said after she gained control of her tears.

"What. Are you cheating on me?" You yelled. You couldn't believe it. Cordelia told you she never wanted to hurt your feelings.

"No! I'm not!"

"Then what is it Cordelia. What have you been doing behind my back? Why have you been lashing out at me?"

"Please! Open the door and I'll explain! I just want to see you."

You stood up and opened the door. Cordelia sat  on the ground in front of the door.

She looked up at you. Her hair a mess and wet from tears. Her eyes red and puffy. She stood up weakly; she was probably starving considering she left hours ago. She looked at you with so much love, but disappointment behind those dark kind eyes.

"Well?" You asked.

"I've been going to the swamps." She said reluctantly.

"The swamps." You instantly knew this was about Misty.

"I've been visiting Misty's shack."

"Why Cordelia?" You breathed.

"Because. Because recently you've been reminding me of her, and it breaks my heart." She held back a sob. "I miss her so much."

"What do you mean, Cordelia."

Cordelia ran her hands through her tangled hair.

"The way you've been supporting me. It reminds me of how Misty used to support me. And- I couldn't take it anymore. It brought me back to her."

"Oh, Cordelia. What have you been doing at her shack?" You knew this wasn't going to end well for you.

"I've been tidying it up, and. And I've been listening to her music, and I found these rings. Her frog rings." She reached into her pockets and pulled out two frog rings. "I gave them to her the day before she died." A tear rolled down her cheek.


"I know." She cried. "Maybe I was in love with her! Maybe, I did want to be more than friends with her!"

That. That was when your heart broke. You felt betrayed and humiliated.

"So I was your replacement then!" You sobbed.

"No! I did love you!"

"Did. Past tense." You whispered.

"No! Honey!" She went to cup your cheek, but you pushed her away.

"You need to sort out your feelings, Cordelia! I don't want to be your rebound!"

"No! You never were!" She cried.

"You just said you loved Misty! She's gone now!"

"I did love Misty! But I love you more." Tears poured out of her red eyes.

"No, Cordelia. Misty died a couple weeks ago and you were in love with her!"

"(Y/n)! Please! You don't understand!" She choked. "I've always loved you more!"

"I know, Cordelia. But you need to process Misty's death. YOU were in LOVE with her."

"Are you saying?" She whispered.

"Yes, Cordelia." Tears streamed out of your eyes. A lump was in your throat, but you had to say it. "We need to break up."

You Belong to me (Cordelia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now