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I was on the couch relaxing until I felt a presence at the door

Ding Dong

Rex-Who's that

Y/N-Don't know

I stood up and walked towards the door

Y/N-(Mind) Strange? I don't sense their presence but I fell it

I unlocked the door then opened it only to see an angels halo


Whis-Well hello there little brother

I then hugged him


He hugged me back before letting me go

Whis-May I come in

Y/N-Of course

I stepped aside and let him in before closing the door

Whis-Well hello there Po Po


Whis started petting Po Po then put him back into the water

P-Who is this Y/N

Whis-Oh! My apologies

He stood and faced everyone

Whis-I am Whis, the angel of Universe 7 and big brother to Y/N

Everyone-You have another one?!

Y/N-Well not really but yeah

Whis-Well I better tell you before I forget

Y/N-Tell me what

Whis-Universe 6&7 are having a mini tournament and I wanted to see if you'll participate

Y/N-Not a chance! I hope 7 losses

Whis-I figured but if you wish to participate you have to be on team 7. You did come from this universe

Y/N-I do want to fight Hit so I guess I'll go but only to fight Hit!

Whis-Wonderful! I'll come and get you when everything is ready

Y/N-Alright but can you give me a guess on when it's going to happen

Whis-Maybe in two days


Whis-I didn't tell you because I know you didn't want anything to do with them so that's why

Y/N-Well thank you for considering my feelings

Whis-You can also bring your friends if you wish

He turned around to leave but he stopped

Whis-Oh I almost forgot! Do you that dessert called ice cream


Rox-Just don't get mines

Whis-I can't promise

I walked towards the fridge before opening the freezer

Y/N-Pick your choosing 

He scanned through his choices before picking Cookies & Cream

Whis-I never had this one before

Rox-It's good

Whis-Well if you say so

He then walked outside and summoned his staff

Whis-Be safe Y/N, Rox

Y/N-You too

Pyra&Mythra x male abused saiyan reader Where stories live. Discover now