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((Part 2 of the date pretty shitty so i am warning you now))

Maisie Kane

I slid in the booth with Ashton following so I was opposite to Michael, and Calum to Ashton.
To say I was nervous would be an understatement.
I was fidgety the whole ride here, but I think Ashton noticed cause he hasn't let go of my hand since, claiming it's to relieve me from stress and calm me down.
I wouldn't tell Ashton this, but his idea is actually working.


"Fuck you Michael! How the hell do you even do this Jesus Christ!" I groaned as I 'attempted' to play pool.
By attempted I mean fail miserably with a stick in my hand while complaining, which apparently is very amusing to the laughing boys.

"Hey Mais, lemme help you." Ashton said as he came up behind me while wrapping his arms around me, How can he even do that beats me cause I mean I'm so wide, I'm surprised he can.

"Like this okay?" He said as he guided my hands around the table with the stick showing me how to play this dumb game properly.

"Okay." I breathed, honestly I wasn't even paying attention all I could think of was the way his arms wrapped securely around my waist and how his breathe fanned my neck. Oh how I wish we could stay in this position for ever.


After an hour of playing pool, me and Ashton were in the lead. Only because every time it was my turn he helped me by wrapping his arms around me to help me play even after I told him I could do it myself, of course I wasn't complaining though.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom, I'll be back." I said as I excused myself and walked towards the bathroom in the back.

After I did my business I walked up to the sink and washed my hands. As I was drying them the door opened of the bathroom, although I didn't pay attention until I felt a someone shove
my shoulder.

"Hey pig, what are you doing here?" A voice sneered at me.
The voice was one I could never get out of my head whenever I looked at myself in the mirror. It was the same voice always seeming to bring me down even when I'm at my highest.
The voice of which came at me when I'm most vulnerable and alone.
The voice that belonged to the schools slut, Casey Bailey. Former cheerleader and Miss bitch of Sydney High School.

"What do you want Casey?" I sighed, knowing she obviously wanted to talk about something rather than just coming up to me alone to pick on me, she would rather humiliate me in front of lots of people clearly that is not what she had in mind, for right now.

"Why are you and gay boy hanging out with Ashton and Calum?"
She asked, rudely may I add, while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why does it matter, it's not like it's affecting you in any way." I said back sassily.

She narrowed her eyes and she came threatening close while snapping,
"Watch it fatass, or you'll regret you were ever born."
Than with that she walked out of the bathroom, leaving me leaning against the bathroom wall in shock.

After collecting myself I walked back out where the boys were grabbing their coats ready to leave.

"Took you long enough." Michael joked once I reached him.

"Yea." I said quietly while searching around the restaurant to see where Casey and her posey were.

"What's wrong? It looks like you just watched a kitten get run over." Michael asked with a concerned look.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it."
I said a little to quickly.

"Usually when a girl says don't worry about it, you should worry." Michael said loudly but lowered his voice as people started to stare.

"Just forget about it." I snapped than saw the guys walking up to us.

"Ready to go?" Ashton smiled.

"Yup." I said, while returning the smile and following him to the car.

I did feel bad about snapping at Mikey like that but I just didn't want to talk about it than knowing it would work him up and ruin the remainder of the night.

"Uh Ash, where are we going?" I asked while looking at the dirt road, knowing for a fact we were father away from my house by now.

I turned to look at Ashton, seeing the side of his mouth begin to curl up into a smirk.

"What?" I asked confused as to why he is smirking. Oh god is he kidnapping me?!

"It's just that you called me Ash, you never call me that." He laughed.

Really that's the only thing he got from my question!

"Where are we going Ashton?" I asked a little louder hoping he would answer this time.

"Just to my place." He said as pulled into a drive way leading up to huge apartment building.

"You live here?" I asked surprised cause it was farther way from houses but not out of town, plus the apartment was fairly big.

"Yea." He said as he got out of the car running around to open my door for me which I smiled in return.
He literally was the definition of perfect.

I followed him up to the lobby and we went into the elevator, oh god what is the weight limit for these things?!
What if it doesn't work with me in it?!
My thoughts came to a stop as the elevator lifted, with no hassle may I add, which was a huge relief. Than the doors opened to floor number four.

Ashton linked our hands together as I followed him down the hall, we stopped at the door with a big 57 in black.

As he opened the door, I felt my eyes grow wide at the look of the inside.
This wasn't an apartment this was a damn penthouse!

There was a living room with a flat screen and sofa. Than a kitchen all in marble and the table in oak.
There was two bedrooms and a bathroom, this place was a fucking paradise.

"Where are your parents?" I asked as we walked into the living room.

"Oh I live alone." He spoke will sitting down beside me.

"Why alone? You're only 17 though?"
I asked confused.

"Actually I'm 18, I failed a year." He laughed lightly.
"I live alone because my family moved to Melbourne but I wanted to stay here and finish my last year with my friends so they bought me this place, which they pay for. But I have a job at the video game store to help pay too."

Hearing all this didn't make me think differently of him it just came as a shock cause for starters I thought he was 17 like myself, but that doesn't really matter. And now knowing he lives alone, I will have to make sure my mother doesn't find out cause than she wouldn't let me come over knowing there is no parent supervision. Yes my mother was old fashion like that, not like I was planning to have sex right now anyways but still.

"So do you wanna watch a movie than I'll drive you home later as it is only 8, and Rae said you have till 10." He said which made me laugh cause Rae should defiantly would make a strict mom.

"Sure." I smiled, maybe spending some time with Ashton will help me forget about what happened back at the restaurant...

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