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Maisie Kane

All week the others have been completely ignoring me, it's almost as if they have this huge secret that they are keeping from me.

And when they all said they had plans that night, I knew they all hung out together...


"Hey Maisie..." Groaning I turned around and saw the person I really don't want to see right now, or ever really.

Casey Fucking Bailey.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Oh I just wanted to know why you weren't hanging out with your little group of fags?"

Turning around making her slam into me.

"Ew your fat touched me!!" She squealed.

"Don't you dare talk about them like that! Got it? You can say whatever you want about me but do not bring them into this!" I said angrily, ignoring what she said.

She rolled her eyes before saying, "I'm not to sure if I would protect them like that, if I were you."

"And why not?!"

Why would I not protect them? They are my best friends.

She shrugged while twirling her dead ends around her finger, "Well it's just that they are all hanging out, without you."

"W-What? No.. no they aren't."

Laughing she said, "What don't believe me? Take a look for yourself."

Looking behind me I see my group of friends laughing and joking around while heading to...
Michael's house?

"Poor, fat, naive Maisie. Thinking her so called friends actually care about you? What a joke!"

*End of Flashback*

I went home crying my eyes out believing what that bitch said. But the next day I thought I was just overacting until I realized they were actually avoiding me.

Am I really that fat that they don't want to be friends with me?

Sighing I opened my locker and grabbed my books.

"Hey!" Ashton said chirpily, about to grab my books but before he could, I turned around and started heading the other way while seeing the others start to walk over.

"What's wrong?" Ashton said.

It hurt me to see him look so broken from my attitude but then realizing what he and the others did made me come to my senses and keep up my mood. Because why should I let them treat me like that?

"Mais are you okay?" Michael asked when the others stood around.

"No I am not Michael!" I said making him cringe from using his full name when speaking to him, cause usually I would say Mike or Mikey.

"Why?" Rae asked in concern.

Ha concern my ass! Didn't seem like they cared when they just left me at school last week.

Rolling my eyes I said,
"I don't care that you had plans to hang out but the fact you lied to me and just ditched me like that, hurts.
I had to find out from Casey! The bitch who gives me trouble on a daily basics. So next time why don't you just say you don't want me around, instead of lying to me!" About to walk away Rae asked in confusion and anger.

"Casey, bullies you?!"

"Oh please, don't act like you care. Why don't you all just go back to hanging out while I sit in my room wondering what I did to make you ditch me!"
Walking away I hear Ashton shout after me.

"Maisie, it's not what you think!"

"Go tell someone who cares, cause I don't anymore!"


Well that just happened...

Do you think Maisies reaction was appropriate for what they did to her? Or no?

But do you really blaming her for that?

And whats your intake on them JUST finding out that Casey bullies Mais?
(besides ashton)

Do you think they will put a stop to that?

Will they tell Mais what they planned? or make her wait till her bday?


anyways imma just leave you with that :)

-katie xx

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