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Y/n Pov:

'huh?' then realization hit me

'i fell asleep!?' i looked around to see if anyone noticed

'phew they didn't'i said relieved


"Oh-its lunch time already;-;?" i said as i got up and went to saiki

"wanna go get lunch together?"

Saiki K Pov:

"wanna go get lunch together?" y/n asked

"sure" i said as i got up and put my stuff away

Time Skip To Cafeteria:

me and y/n were eating in comfortable silence before the others went over to our table

"y/n are you and saiki dating?" kaido asks

"yea(ˆ ˆ)" y/n responded with resulting teruhashi being internally upset

"congrats to you guys:0" kaido says to me and y/n

'i should've been the one to date saiki not y/n' teruhashi said in her thoughts

i feel bad for her but i don't reciprocate her feelings

Y/n Pov:

'i feel bad for teruhashi she's visibly upset about my 'relationship' with saiki'i thought

i looked over to teruhashi who is showing a fake smile

Teruhashi Pov:

'i hate that y/n gets saiki,she doesnt deserve him,i do!' I said in my thoughts

"hey teruhashi are you alright?" y/n said

"im fine y/n^^" i said flashing a fake smile

"oh alright i was just worried"y/n said genuinely worried


'Finally i really want to leave' i said in my thoughts as everyone began getting up to go to their class

Y/n Pov:

"saiki i need help(╥﹏╥)" i said to saiki as he gave me a side glance

"hm?"he hummed as a response

"so i kinda didnt understand the math discussion today..i heard there was a test tomorrow..can you help me?" i ask nervously fidgeting with my fingers

"sure,wanna come over to my house?" saiki asked

"yea,what time?" i asked back

"at 4pm if thats fine with you"saiki said

"sure see you later"you said as you got into your house

saiki did the same since we're neighbors(yk yk)

Timeskip to 3:40pm:

'what do i wear!?-no no it isn't a date i don't need to be indecisive about this-i'll just wear a simple outfit-yea a simple outfit' i said as i stormed into my closet

'what do i wear!?-no no it isn't a date i don't need to be indecisive about this-i'll just wear a simple outfit-yea a simple outfit' i said as i stormed into my closet

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'yea this is fine' i said proudly and walked down stairs to meet my mothers eyes

"oh?where are you going sweetie?" my mother questioned

"im going to study with kusuo mom" i said hoping my mom doesn't question why

"oh ok,be back before dinner:D" my mom said waving me away

"alright mom,bye" i said shutting the door behind me and started walking to saiki's house

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 | 𝗄𝗎𝗌𝗎𝗈 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝗄𝗂Where stories live. Discover now