i see pink

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Wanda and Natasha stood outside the Avengers compound watching the snow fall slowly. Wanda sat next to Natasha with her head on Natasha's shoulder. As Natasha sat there looking at the snow, Wanda couldn't help but look at Nat instead. Wanda thought about what she should say and when she finally decided, she said it. As nat heard what wanda had to say, she turned her head and looked back at the snow. Wanda studied Natasha's face for a few seconds before speaking up.

"Natasha?" Wanda said quietly.

"hmm?" Natasha barely answered. She couldn't. She could barely keep from smiling, so talking was out of the question.

"Natasha, are- are you blushing?" Wanda asked as she continued to study Natasha's beautiful face.

"what. no." Natasha responded quickly.

"did i get the incredibly badass, sexy, heroic black widow to blush?" Wanda now had a smirk on her face. She had made the black widow blush even after everyone told her it was impossible. she did it.

"what no." Natasha couldn't bare to look at wanda knowing she would really be blushing if she laid her green eyes on Wanda's beautiful blue ones.

"really nat? because i see pink..." Wanda said smugly.

"Wanda it's cold outside. i'm- i'm cold that's why." Natasha was quick to come up with an explanation, although Wanda could see right through it, and Natasha knew it too.

"huh. the cold. not because i told you "your face is so incredibly adorable and i bet the rest of you is too?" Wanda continued to look at Natasha, and she finally looked back at Wanda.

Natasha blushed even harder now. "n-no." Natasha replied. Both of them knew that she was lying but they didn't care. Wanda was happy knowing that she could in fact make Natasha blush and she would seize that opportunity every time she had the chance. And as Natasha sat there, blushing, she realized that she had found the one. The one she wanted to make her blush everyday for the rest of her life.

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