this is love

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It had been 3 years since Thanos. Tony traded his life for Natasha's and Vision traded his for Wanda's. They didn't know it then, but their loss of their life gave new life to Wanda and Natasha. They grew in love and thanked Tony and Vision everyday for it.

Wanda and Natasha had been together for two years now and had taken it upon themselves to help raise Peter and Morgan. Aunt may was gone and Peter had nobody else. He had come to call Natasha Mom and Wanda Mama. Morgan still lives with Pepper but she missed Peter so much that she often stayed with Wanda and Natasha. They even gave her, her own room, filled with pictures of her, peter, and tony. Peter was still 15 and morgan had just turned 6.

They had made it a habit to sit down every Friday and watch a movie together. Peter and Morgan would always pick the movie, and this night they chose The Notebook, not knowing what they were getting themselves into.

As Wanda and Natasha cuddled into the couch, Peter and Morgan sat on the floor in-front of them. About half the movie had gone by and Wanda was a sobbing mess. Morgan didn't really understand what was happening, and Peter let only a few tears slip here and there. Natasha watched as her girlfriend cried and decided to get up and make more popcorn for everyone.

As Natasha got up and walked to the kitchen, Wanda paused the movie, to be sure that Natasha didn't miss anything. Peter turned around and looked at Wanda. Wanda looked at him with a confused look.

As morgan began to crawl into her lap Peter asked something quietly under his breath, lust loud enough for Wanda to hear.

"Mama... what is love?"

"Well it's... it's when-" Wanda struggled with her answer until she heard Natasha yelling at the microwave for burning her popcorn.
"It's when she walks in that door, and you look at her like it's the first time you've ever seen her." She started more confidently. "-And your heart drops, and your amazed. And you can't wait to tell your friends about this girl, and you can't wait to tell your mom about this girl. And you simply say to yourself 'This is her. This is the one'. That's love." Wanda looked at peter, and continued.

"We're constantly so worried about a certain person being the one or that person might not be the one and we're wasting our time, but when has love ever been a waste of time? When has love ever been the wrong thing to do? Loving someone is never the wrong thing to do,  and loving yourself is the best thing you can do.  And why not love yourself and love someone else, that's the best of the best." Wanda continued, unknowing of the fact that Natasha had finished making her popcorn, and was standing in the doorway, listening, observing, and loving everything Wanda was saying.

"Peter, when you see the person you love, when you see them and you just know, that it's something great and it's something that not a lot of people get to feel and you should be very, very thankful that your able to feel that way, and if your able to get that person, you should be even more thankful because people spend their whole lives thinking that, that's the right person and yet they can't have them. So best be grateful. Love is the best thing that's ever happened to this world and it's the best feeling you could ever feel, whether it's from your mother, your friends, your family, morgan, whatever it is or whether it's from a loved one, you should never let it go, you should never let it die, and just because your heart is broken one time doesn't mean that you aren't supposed to feel love. It just means that you weren't the right person for them, and they weren't the right person for you otherwise they would still be there." Wanda had let small tears fall from the corners of her eyes, and wiped away the small streams coming from peters eyes too. Natasha stood silently in the doorway letting small tears escape as well.

"So please, peter, never stop loving. Ever. Love is the best thing and never stop loving yourself." Wanda looked at peter. And smiled lightly. "Peter you want to know what love is, This-"

"This is love" Natasha interrupted with a smile spread across her face. 

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