Their song

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⚠️slight smut?⚠️

Wanda and Natasha always had trouble sleeping when it was raining so they would stay up talking, cooking, watching movies really anything to keep their mind off of the thunder booming in the background. One day they were in their room scrolling through their phones when Natasha found a song she really liked and wanted Wanda to listen to it.

"come on wandaaa pleaseeeee! it will be fun, you will like it" Natasha pleaded hopping up off of the bed.

"Natasha whyyyy. I'm good here. Why don't we go bake cookies instead or something?" Wanda whined.

"Nope. We are listening to this song." Natasha walked over to Wanda's side of the bed and picked up and swung her over her shoulder.

"Natasha! put me down right now." Wanda yelled.

"No. Say we will listen to this song or else."

"or else what?"

"or else i will tickle you."

"you wouldn't dare Natasha!"

"Oh i would dare. Say it or i'll do it. I swear i'll do it." When Wanda didn't respond Natasha started ticking her viciously. Wand screamed and laughed begging Natasha to stop after every giggle. Natasha stopped for a second. Hearing what Wanda had to say.

Wanda breathed hard, trying to catch her breath. "Tasha. please. stop. we will. listen to the song." Natasha put Wanda down. Natasha looked into Wanda's green eyes. Wanda looked at Natasha for a minute.

"Natasha can we please get this song over with. i want to go back cookies!" Wanda asked slightly annoyed at the efforts Natasha took to get her to listen to a stupid song.

"Yes love. But i know you will like this song. it played at our wedding... it's our song." Wanda knew exactly what song was going to play. Natasha loved that song. And it meant everything to them. Natasha put on the song and placed her phone on the bed.

*Its been a long, long, time - harry james started playing*

Never thought that you would be
Standing here so close to me
There's so much I feel that I should say
But words can wait until some other day

Natasha stood inches away from Wanda's face. Both of them smiling wildly. Natasha grabbed Wanda's hand and placed her other hand on Wanda's waist, pulling her closer. Natasha leaned in closer to Wanda's ear.

"dance with me" Natasha whispered seductively.

"yes" Wanda whispered back. The two girls danced around their shared room, thunder booming and rain pouring down outside but they two girls didn't care. They danced and they continued to try and pull each other closer, even though they had already diminished any space left between them. The song was long over, but they continued to stand together, bodies pushed together as much as they could. They stared into each other's eyes, both admiring the green in their eyes.

After what felt like hours standing in front of the window, they shared a passionate, hungry kiss. Moving their lips together in sync as if they had been doing it their whole lives. Wanda  started to back up, not breaking the kiss. She pulled Natasha's collar insinuating her to follow. As the kiss got more heated, Wanda pushed Natasha to the bed, and Natasha didn't even try to fight for dominance this time. Wanda locked their door with her magic. Wanda broke the kiss to take off her shirt. Only then did she notice the sideways smile Natasha had been wearing.

"What?" Wanda asked hovering just above Natasha in only her bra and underwear.

"Nothin... i just." Natasha started as red tint started to creep its way onto her cheeks.

"Natasha Romonoff? What is it?" Wanda said sternly still hovering inches away from her face.

"i love you" Natasha said in her most seductive voice. She pulled Wanda in for another breath taking kiss. Wanda smiled into the kiss. "I love you too" Wanda whispered in Natasha's ear sending shivers down her spine. Wanda smirked as she lifted of Natasha's shirt to finish what she had started.

ok i am so sorry that i haven't been updating but i'm on break now so hopefully more updates to come :)

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