The Incident

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He took you to somewhere else.
It was a small dark room with moonlight as the only source of light.
The room was filled with game and sports equipment, looked more like a storeroom for sports equipment.
He hold you up and slowly he tried to kiss you on your neck, flirtingly.
Since you were unconscious, you couldn't understand what was happening.
Then, he stick you to a wall where the light was prominent. your head hit the wall quite hard and you gained little sense. He tried to put his hand underneath but you resisted doing this. He got angry and he threw you on the floor.
He came above you and took off his shirt and touched and kissed you everywhere he could. (I am not going to describe this. You are smart enough).

"Just let me do this. I am not gonna wait for Nischay. I have always received "second-hand" girls for my enjoyment. This time he will regret it."
"No... ju-just leave me. I am not that type of girl you think. Who the fuck said to you that I am going to be his first or whatever you are saying. Just leave me, dickhead" struggling to get out of his reach.
"I guess you are a virgin, aren't you scared little girl", he chuckled.
During all the chaos, you both heard a bang on the door.
"Leave her Ranvijay, you bastard. I knew that you were going to do such types of things, so I had to look for you. " Nischay said angrily.
"This time I won't leave. 'Please get out and close the door'. Remember something. This is how you give me commands when you went for your enjoyments."Ranvijay said

While all these conversations were happening, you simply moved to the corner of the room, covering yourself and thinking about what to do.
Ranvijay continues to speak

"For 2 years I've been following your commands. But now, this needs a full-stop. I ain't your servant. I am your friend. What's yours, that's mine too."
"I know you helped me in many cases. You helped me in passing my exams, you provided me with a sufficient amount of money to treat my mother when she was suffering from blood cancer and many others that can't be counted on fingers and I am highly obliged to you for this. But, I need to live my life on my own rules. You always control and that's not the ethics of friendship.
I hope you can understand."
"Ya, I do understand and from now onwards you will live your life on your own rules. I won't bother you anymore. If you need any help, I am still there for you. But, leave this girl right now."
Nischay spoke sadly.
"Bro, she is already half-naked. Let me just..." Ranvijay gave gestures.
"For the last time, I command you to leave this girl." Nischay said aggressively.

He turned towards you and took you up and moved out of the room.
While moving out,

"Do you wanna end this friendship because of this stupid girl?" Ranvijay asked
"Think as you wish." Nischay said and left.

You both walked along and he made your seat on the bench (that bench,garden-like area where you and Arohi saw him for the first time). He brought a coffee for you from the party and sat beside you.
After a long awkwardness, Nischay broke the silence.

"Are you lesbian?"Nischay asked in curiosity.
"What? NO." you shouted.
"I mean that's not a big deal. We respect every person and their choices." he said
"But I am Not a LESBIAN." you shouted again.
"Then why do you hate boys so much. I mean if you have anything to say, you are free to share with me." Nischay looked at you with a caring smile.
"It is not like what you think. When you come from a middle-class family, and then your family had two daughters and you are the elder one, parents keep high expectations from you.
Life is not as easy as it looks." you stopped suddenly
"Continue. I am listening." he sat more comfortably.
"No, I am fine. Thank you for saving me. I didn't expect this from you. Thank you once again. Good night", you were about to leave and instantly he hold your hand and said
"Sit and tell me. By conveying your pain to someone, it becomes less burdensome to you."

You sat again started telling him thinking about your past. The names mentioned here are completely fictional and Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental. (some of the incidents mentioned below are from my personal 'real-life' experiences that I faced. Not everything can be fictional)

"You know what, I was an innocent girl. I was so innocent that I didn't know what is right and what is wrong. And typical middle-class families won't tell you these things. Because as per their thinking, children will learn by themselves when they grow up. My parents were like them.
I studied in Excellent High School from Std 5 and 6. And then obviously moved to a different school, namely Diligent Model School, and studied there from Std 7 to 12. When I studied in Diligent, I learned many things like new slang and abusive words that everyone knows when they hit their teenage life. But along with this, I learned something that I should have knew it beforehand so that at least I could've stopped such things that happened to me, But even If I knew at that time, I think I didn't dare to tell my parents what had happened to me."
"As I told you I was innocent, I broke my innocence after Std 6 and I got to know that..."
"That?"Nischay asked.
"I was sexually harassed when I was in Std 6. Yes, I was sexually harassed by my maths teacher and I didn't even know it. He used to give us maths problems to solve and he used to go to every bench to check our answers. And when he came to my bench, he used to bend from the side to cover my body and he touched my breasts every single fucking time. And I couldn't understand these things. I know you must be thinking how can someone be so stupid. But that's the reality. I was so stupid and I regret it even today and I didn't tell anyone except you."
"This is not one incident that shook me but there are many. Where my parents and my younger sister live right now, the society, I hate that too."
" You know why?"

Nischay was about to say something but continued to tell without any break.

"There lived a guy named Ronit. As you know, every society has a clubhouse where there is a room for indoor games along with other facilities. On a very random day, around 6:30 in the evening, I, Ronit, and my buddy Saurabh, were playing Billiards(for those who don't know it's like a table-indoor game. Google for more information). Since only 2 players can play at a time, Saurabh was spectating our game and suddenly, the lights went off. At that time, the generator connections were newly made, so it took time to operate and at the very same moment I don't know how Saurabh got a call from his mother and he only had the phone. Indirectly he was the only source of proper light to us. While all this was happening, I felt a hand over my back. And It was him, Ronit. And he was getting closer to me. So I ran to the other side of the room where there was some light and he followed me all the way. I stopped at the pillar and turned around.
And then I saw him and kept getting closer to me and I went numb. I don't know why. He came with his cue stick and placed it perpendicular to me, blocking my way. The light rays fell on his face and I could see his creepy smile. He left. And after a few seconds, the lights came and everything was back to normal.
But It wasn't normal for me after that incident. For the very first in my life, I felt scared.
It still made me fear boys."

"I once had a boyfriend when I was 16 and I broke up after 6 months because he was forcing me to get physical.
Many incidents in my life completely broke me up and now I don't have enough courage to trust or love someone.
Only one person, Arohi, my best friend, is the only person I can trust blindly"
" I guess we need to move to our places. It's almost midnight and I think the party is over."
"It was lovely talking to you. I never thought that I will have such a deep conversation with a girl whom I am gonna fuck in the future."Nischay giggled.
"Why do you do this? Why do you want to be a playboy? Be a normal person. You are a very brilliant student, score good marks. You can be a badass but this is too much for your personality. You can be a badass but within a limit. It was just my opinion. The rest depends on you. Good Night"
"Hukum Sar Aankhon Par"Nischay said
"Um, By the way, Thank you." you said
"For what?" he asked
"For saving me. Thank you so much. I can't even thank you properly. What you did is a great thing for me." you obliged
"Leave it and go to your room. Find your friend." he smiled and left.

You too went to search for Arohi at the party.
You took her to the room coz she was high.
You smiled thinking of Nischay.
Arohi was sleeping and listened to your favorite romantic song and went to sleep.

After a few months of regular meetings, talking, and sharing notes with Nischay,
On a very fine day...

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