Chapter 1

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Hi guysss , this is my first story so please excuse any  errors that I might have made  . Really hope you guys enjoy it  , love yall . Btw this story contains mature phrases and many  sexual scenes .   Hope you guys enjoy !!!!!

Also , new chapters are uploaded everyday 💗


"It's just one hundred dollars Marlene  and I literally work here ."

I added while taking  the hundred dollar bill out of my pocket.

"What has fucking  gotten into you Mazuri ?"

"Look I'm really sorry , here's the money back ."

"Sorry , but I already called the cops . "

"For what , I gave you back the money Marlene ,I'm leaving !"

I grabbed my bag off the marble counter and walked out of the store . 

"Mazuri wait !"

I lived an hour away from the convenient  store which I worked at . As tears trickled down my face , I got  on the bus and slipped in my headphones . 

"Further up Greenridge , Frank ."

Frank is  my mum's really good  friend  , he was always around to help  out and constantly dropped me from  home to work and work to home . I think he'd feel guilty if he didn't .

" Why are you crying and aren't you going home tonight ?"

" It's my sinus and yes I am but , I'm meeting some friends at the park tonight  ." 

"Oh okay , be safe ."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
"Aren't  I always ?" I giggled while wiping my tears away . 

The park at night was literally the best , not the safest but  definitely good  for a peace of mind . 

"Love ya Franky ." 

"Love ya more Zur."

I hopped out of the bus and onto the concrete pavement  . I laid flat on the grass and took off my headphones , not because I didn't wanna listen music , but mainly because I was all alone in a sketchy ass park at eleven in the night and needed to be aware of my surroundings .The only thing that could be heard was the gushing of the night's wind and the creaking of the iron swings .

"All this space to sit and you're on the floor ."

My head spun around in fright . I  hadn't live a life of enjoyment , I can't die nowww !!!!!!!!

"Yeah , I get a better view of the sky from here . "  I quietly replied.

 "I doubt it , at the top of the slide is  probably better ."

"Okay.." I timidly replied , while slowly  picking up my bag and walking off.

"Hey omg , I didn't mean to interrupt  you  ."

"No , it's okay I was just leaving ."

"Sure  you are ."

"No , I really was  ."

  "Didn't look like it to me, you looked pretty comfy on the ground  ."

   "Okay , got to admit , you being here is scary  , you could literally be a serial killer ."

"Do I look like a serial killer ? And  what would've been more creepy  , me  suddenly  appearing and quietly sitting at the picnic table behind you or me simple making a conversation  so  that you won't feel scared or intimidated  . "

"I can barely see you and both are quite creepy  ."

"I see your point , but I should also be scared , you can also be a serial killer . "

"You're wearing a black hoodie  !"

"Better to sneak out in  and that answer is def not valid ."

" Okay , okay , I'm still leaving though ."

"Okay , have a good night ."

"Thank you and same to you sir  ."

"I didn't get your name ."

"I'm aware of that  ,  goodbye ."

"Bye , be safe ."

A walk home sounded nice , after all , I was rudely interrupted from my late night sitting . 

"Mazuri , hop in."

"What are you doing  here Thalia ?"     

   "I should be asking you the same thing ."

"You know I always come to the park to clear my head."

"Not this late and they think you ran away  ."

"Who is they ?"

"The police ."

"You got to be kidding me , I gave her back the money  and how did you know that I was here anyway ?"

" You  had your location on , and you really got to be fucking kidding me Zur ."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

  "I know how it sounds but , I didn't intentionally steal it , I took an early payment ."

"Mazuri , why didn't you ask me ?"

"Are you hearing yourself , you know that I could never bring myself to ask you for money ."

"So you rather steal it from your boss ?"

"I have alot going on right now Thalia , I don't need you making me feel shittier than I already feel . "

 "You know that I'm always here for you , giving you money would've never been a problem . "

Thalia has been my friend for as long as I can remember , we went to different schools  but we're pretty close . 

"Come here ." She whispered as the clinged onto me and hugged  me .

A Cali Girl !Where stories live. Discover now