Chapter 2

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When I arrived at home , the police had already left but there my mum was , leaning against the front door crying . 

"I'm sorry mum."

"This is it Mazuri   ."

"I can explain ."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "There's no good explanation for  this ."

"What's for dinner huh ?"

"That's not for you to worry about."

"When are we getting kicked out ? We are  literally gonna be homeless mum ."

"Get inside right now!"

I know stealing wasn't the right thing to do but that hundred dollars  would've gotten us food for the week at least .

"Why are some of my clothes in a suit case mum?" I screamed while unpacking everything. 

"Don't do that shit  , stop it right now."

"Why are you doing this to me mum?"

"It's for the best , we won't be too far apart and I'll come visit ."

"Where are you sending me ?"

"Listen , you're gonna be taken cared of really good , there are great schools there and everything."




"Hey , you watch your mouth , you'll stay with Cherry."

"Cherry?" I looked at her in disbelief . Cherry was my mum's  older  sister that moved away a long time ago . She was never around and technically didn't exist in our lives . 

"Yes , she's agreed to take you in until I can catch myself ."

"Mum , I can't go there , I don't know those people ."

"Cherry is a good person , just a little distant."

"A little distant , she left you to fend for yourself when you were pregnant , she never calls , she literally forgot that we existed ,  did she forget that you're her     sister ."

"She did what I didn't do , focused on her education and got a good  job , I know that she  could've been there more ,  but she's here  for us now  ."

"I'm not going."

"Listen Zur , I know that she isn't the ideal hero , you don't think I feel some type of way about her , I do ,but she is all that we got right now . So  I need you to go ,  she'll  get you  transferred to a new school , you won't need to get a job  , it's a perfect  ." 

"I can't leave you behind here , I'll get two jobs , I'll  even work  five times harder."

"I'll be here waiting for you to come back , it's okay . "

"I can't mum ." I muttered as I flung myself onto her and broke down into tears . Leaving my mum behind was a big deal . I can't remember a time when she wasn't there for me , it's always been her and I . 

"It's alright Sugar , I love  you more than ever ."

"I  love you too mum , but I-. "

"You leave tomorrow ."

" I didn't even get to spend anytime with you  ."

"You'll come to visit , and i'll be here . "

"Why don't you come with me ?"

"Don't be ridiculous , I'll get two jobs and i've already found a one bedroom apartment that  I'll stay at ."

"I'm gonna miss you ."

"I'm gonna miss you more bug ."

"I can't believe i'm gonna be thousands of miles away from you." 

" Stop making this harder than it already is , get some rest Mazuri , you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow , and leave  the clothes that are in your wardrobe , that's for when you come too visit "

"Okay , goodnight , love you ."

"Love ya , be up at 6."

I sat at the edge of my bed crying and looking up at my ceiling  . Should I run away ?Running away didn't make any sense , I'd still leave my mum behind and probably be homeless . I didn't have many friends here , or family . My dad left my mum when she told him that she was pregnant , and my grandma kicked my mum and Cherry out , but then she also died ,  she was a drug addict . My mum  then dropped out of  high school , Cherry had  gotten  a scholarship , moved away and stayed on   collage campus . Her boyfriend at the time would help out with her  financial aids .  So yeah , that's basically a run down of my life . My mum stayed here and got a job , we've been staying in my grandma's house ever since until now , we're getting evicted . 

"Lights out Mazuri , I can still see your lights on."

"Okay mum ."

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