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Velvet slowly started to regain consciousness, his head was spinning, he felt abnormally weak. 'oh God.. what'd they do to me..?' he thought to himself as he shakily sat himself up holding his head. 'Don't tell me I got drugged or some shit..' he appeared to be in some sort of cell, rather large, not that it mattered as he could barely move.

"So we finally found you." A nun was walking around the outside of the cage. "You're really bad at hiding you know." she cooed, her voice echoing through the cellar. "god.. FUCKING DAMN IT AGAIN??-" he glared at her. The nun held their finger over their mouth, gesturing for him to be quiet. "Our reputation is in danger because of you. And besides. Monsters like you don't deserve a break. You deserve death. Now. Where's the other cookie your with." They said, glaring back at him. "

..pardon?" he narrowed his eyes. The nun crossed her arms. "don't play dumb, monster. Where is Pastry Cookie? You can either tell us or we'll force it out of you.." "Oh come on, what could you possibly do." he broke eye contact, glancing around the area.

"We have our ways. Now tell me, Where is she??" Red Velvet took a deep breath, closing his eyes as the doom set in that there was nothing he could do in this situation, he was in their hands now. "Do what you want to me, but even if you knew where she was you wouldn't dare go near that place, and I know it for a fact." "So then you're fine with your demise? how do you think poor little Pastry Cookie will feel?" Velvet felt his body start to go a bit numb as he leaned himself against the wall that lay behind him.

"How would it benefit me if I told you anything in the first place, you'd kill me either way." velvet was trying his best to hold up. "There are other ways to silence you other than death, maybe we'll just leave you be and rip her apart instead?" "what are you going to do, brainwash me? That shit is weak and only lasts a day, even if you wanted to kill her once again, you wouldn't dare go near that place."

"..and? what if she's out in the open, let's say, in town? what if we have her and you simply have no idea?" "I know for a fact that you don't." Velvet realized that he had no way of telling her to stay in the gardens for safety, nor to stop them from doing anything to her. His eyes felt heavy to the point they stung, but of course, he wouldn't give up now.

"Riddle me this. Why care about her? Sure she saved you but what if it was out of pure pity?" "Our relation is none of your business, cookie," he growled under his breath. "Trust me when I say this, You mean nothing to her. I mean cmon look at you! You really think anybody could love you?" the nun covered her mouth and smiled.

Velvet took a deep breath, lowering his head. "your words mean nothing to me.." he frowned. The nun stopped. "Oh? Is that so? Well, I guess if you won't tell us we'll go find her ourselves." "hah..- good luck," he smirked nervously, keeping his head low.

The nun paused for a moment. "She's at the market. Just got out of the clothing store. You two spoke earlier correct?" Velvet closed his eyes, no this couldn't be happening, at this could be for nothing, they'd get out of this somehow whether or not they found Pastry right? his smile faded, stuck in his thoughts as he started to panic. "You've got guts I'll give you that. But love is useless if somebody else has the upper hand. You're going to die this time, and so is Pastry. Don't get too cocky now! Or we'll make sure she dies by your hands."

the nun chuckled, "Not so big and brave now? Oh cmon you have to have a comeback to that.. Very well then. Mother Reverend would love to have a conversation with both of you at once." the nun walked out the room.

Velvet put his head in his hands 'how the fuck am I gonna get myself out of this one..' he lifted his head, opening his aching eyes as he glanced around, looking for anything, anything that could possibly get him out of this situation. he glanced over to the door, the nun walking in once again, Pastry in their arms, knocked out cold as she was thrown into the cell next to him, her body lying against the cold stone floor. "Mother Reverend shall speak with you after the Ceremony." the nun left the room with a smile on their face.

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