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Chapter 3: Basingstoke; Part 2.

I had gotten my fair share of information on Mr Daniel Kray. He was the owner and leader of one of the biggest mafia's in Europe. He had inherited the Mafia from his father and it was his brother who was supposed to inherit it but Daniel being Daniel didn't like the sound of that so he did want any man hungry for power would do.....he murdered his brother and his whole family in cold blood. He was no one to be messed with... you might be wondering if he's that dangerous what in the flying frog are you doing near him?.....Well the answer is pretty simple and a little cliche but well who doesn't love a good cliche....all i want from this egg-headed man is Revenge.

I watched as he stood from his chair and walked around the room while examining me. I stayed rooted in my spot while I felt his burning gaze on me. He walked in steady motion, he walked with so much confidence and power, he gave off an auro of pure authority and from where i was standing i could practically smell his ego.

"Why should I trust you enough for you to be my driver ?" His voice boomed in the office.

"I need the money so i won't double cross you. I'm an excellent fighter and driver. Plus you don't have any choice because I'm the best and the only person who was brave enough to come and apply.....Sir" I answered with so much attitude seeping through every word I said. What the heck is wrong with me I'm supposed to respect this man if i want this revenge plan thing to be successful.

"You know who I am don't you? Don't talk me with that attitude young girl. I would snap you in half and feed you to my dogs." He barked, he didn't scare at all but i had to flinch a little to give him a little satisfaction.

"I'm sorry sir." I said my voice softening with a hint of sarcasm that I'm sure he didn't notice or pretended not notice.

He walked over to his big table and made a call that i didn't pay attention to because I was too busy internally scolding  myself for the stupid stunt i was trying to pull. It's like my mind and mouth are never on the same page.

I heard the door behind me abruptly open and i heard two figures step into the room. Edgar and the giant (the scary twosome) appeared in my line of vision.

"Take umm... what's your name girl?" He asked

"Brianna, sir"

"Take Brianna there for her tests... I need you two to evaluate her skills before I let her work for me." He said to Edgar and the giant. " Make sure that she goes against the best of the best here."

Edgar and the giant nodded and the directed me to the room that we had passed earlier today. We entered a room fool of recruits a few having fights, some throwing knives and others in target practice. I could feel all the eyes of the room on me. A few throwing me looks of digust, others of fear and some of curiosity.

" This is Brianna and she's going to have her evaluation test today so treat her with respect or whatever." Edagar said

" She going against the best of the best today so, Jade, Nate, Hailey, Iris ans Nico would you be kind enough to come and help test her please."

I watched as a group of teenagers turn and looked at Edagar they all started to approach and the moment they looked at me they started casting me looks of disapproval. Didn't someone tell these kids not judge books by their covers?

"This is Jade, she's the best female fighter and you'll be fighting her first." He said while he pointed to tall brown skinned girl. She looked at me and smirked.

"This is Nate, you'll be fitting him next well if you beat Jade the you'll fight him." He pointed to the boy next to Jade they were similar in complection i think he's Jade's brother.

" This is Hailey, the best knife thrower and this is Iris our best shooter. " He said pointing to two girls a brunette and a redhead both fairly shorter than me so when they glared at me and i glared back my glared was more intimidating due to height difference.

" And last but not least, this is Nico the boss's son and our best driver."  There stood an insanely attractive male specimen. He stood at a height of  185 cm, he had hazel eyes and dirty blond hair. I watched him smirk as he noticed me checking him out and i felt me self face go red.

Maybe guys these days prefer tomatoes to Barbie dolls.

" Okay okay....so Jade get ready. Brianna you two."

This is about to get rough.....and I'm pretty sure that I don't love were this is going.


First cliff hanger, I feel so excited. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment, let me know what you wanna see as I continue writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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