Chapter 1

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               Jordan sighed as he stuffed the last bag of luggage into the car and shut the door.

The whole cube house was going on vacation to a small town just outside where they live together. Ryan called to set up reservations and got into the car with the rest of the members.

“Ready?” Will asked as he put the keys into the ignition.

Everyone cheered which signaled for Will to start driving.

The went onto the highway and started their way.

Hours have past but only a few more miles.

“This trip is going to be amazing!” Jordan said as a took a picture of a forest.

“Don’t get your hopes up. Our cabin might be in a horrible area.” Ryan said.

“Look!” Will said as he took a right turn.

“Wow, this place looks a lot different than the pictures.” Parker said as he looked out the window.

But then Will seen something in the road that shocked him and caused the car to swerve into a lamp post.

Hours have past and Will woke up. He looked around but no one was there.

‘Huh?’ he questioned himself.

He got out of the bend car, slowly crawling out to safety. He got up and looked around.

Not a human to be seen.

He shivered and walked down the road calling his friends names.

Fog surrounded him as he walked the lonely road. The air was cold and heavy. Ice, as clear as glass. As Will walked by, he could see a pond that was frozen, but not solid. The water was as still as a tree branch with no wind. Will looked up. A tree that has icicles hanged still as well. Snow just lightly covered the top of the branches and tall grass. Will trudged forward to where he seen a sign.

“What’s this?” He read in a whisper.

The sign was blue with slightly gold lettering, almost silver.

‘Welcome to Silent Hill’ Will read.

He then turned around and kept walking. He shivered as he put his arms around himself, trying to keep warm.

For what seemed like hours, he squinted his eyes and looked ahead. He saw for what seemed to be, an old diner. Will ran towards the restaurant and opened the door.

“Hello?” He asked as he looked around the place.

No one was home.

He then took a seat and looked around some more.

A map of the town, an old jukebox, posters of missing people, and ads for scam websites. Will then got up and out of his seat and walked over to the map.


He unpinned the map and examined it some more.

He scanned the map and put it in his pocket as he looked around, making sure no one was looking.

Will kept looking around on the bulletin board, examining every little detail. He frowned to the missing people posters as he looked at one specifically.

‘little girl:

Age: 10

Long blonde hair with blue eyes.

Last seen wearing a pink and denim dress.’

“Poor girl.” Will said.

As he was about to turn around, he jumped to the sound of a bell ringing.

He turned to see a tall woman with blonde hair dressed in an officer’s uniform.

She turned her head a spoke.

“Who are you? State your business.” She said as she walked towards Will angrily.

Will put his hands up and replied.

“I-I Will. I only came here for a vacation with my friends. We crashed and now they’re nowhere to be found.” Will said snakingly.

The officer smirked and stepped away from Will.

“Can’t help you there. Have to find them by yourself.” She said as she sat down.

“Why cant you?! You’re an officer!” Will argued.

The officer took a sip from her coffee and put it down. She got up and said sternly to Will.

“I can only go so far. But listen close and listen good, The town isn’t like it used to be. The population has dropped insanely and more and more people go missing. Some people have even died trying to find their way out. The best thing I could give you is these items. You will need them. Trust me.” The officer said as she handed Will an attachable flashlight and another map.

Will looked down but then thanked the officer. But he froze at the door.

“Wait. Before I go, may I ask a question?” Will said looking back.

The officer looked back and nodded.

“That thing I seen on the road, is that what has been taking all these people? Is that thing the reason why my friends are missing?”

The officer went quiet.

“That thing you’re talking about, is the demon that protects this town. I can’t give you a straight answer.”

Will looked down and walked out of the diner.

He ventured forward into the misty air.

“Poor kid.” The officer said.

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