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Hunter: alright I'm here now where is the window I climbed out of

*hunter would walk around house intll he found the window*

Hunter: there it is

*hunter would hop into the basement*

hunter: aye i made it in, now how am i going to make it up stairs

*a guard would start heading hunter way*

guard 2: why is the door open

*the guard would start heading towards the door*

guard: why was the door open?.. nothing is here hmmm

hunter: fell right into my trap stupid

guard: huh?

*hunter fall off the roof and punch the guard leading the guard to be unconscious*

hunter: hah gotcha

*hunter would walk upstairs quietly*

Lex: I'm so bored did yall find hunter yet?

Guard 3: no man not yet

Lex: ughhh

Jake: this taking way to long

Lex: agreed

Jake: what we going to do?

Guard: He's pulling his cock out!!!!

Jake: chill the hell out it's just a chicken

Guard: oh-

Jake: dumb ass kid

Guard: I'm older then you

Jake: yea right

*they would keep on arguing*

Hunter: this is a perfect chance

*hunter would open the door and see 5 guards talking*

Hunter: fuck now what I'm going to do

???: need some help kid?..

Hunter: huh who are you?

???: that comes at a later time my friend *she was wearing dark clothing and her face was covered up*

Hunter: uh okay... can you help me out defeat these guards

???: lead me to them and I will

Hunter: alrighty then follow me

*hunter would walk back to the room and show her*

???: how many are there??

Hunter: well there where 6 but the 6th one just left the room to go to the bathroom so there's really 5 in that room

???: alright easy *she walks off and kills all the guards* I'm back *she was covered in blood*

Hunter: well that was quick

???: eh they were weak and couldn't do much once my dagger was in there head

Hunter: ooo cool

*hunter would walk into the room and get the portal gun*

Hunter: thanks for helping me out

???: the portal gun? I had an extra you could have asked -_-

Hunter: oh wow I'm dumb

???: they did have alot of money on them and I'm keeping that

Hunter: good luck getting away from the cops XD

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