goblin arena

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toby: guys wake up we are going to be late

nora: I don't wanna

rize: yeaaa

toby: so you guys want to die?

xhunter: fine we up

toby: alrighty now we need to get ready are first match is starting soon

*Nora and rize would get ready while xhunter tap on toby shoulder*

toby: need something?

xhunter: ok so you know how hunter only had a sister

toby: yea....

xhunter: well turns out I'm his brother


xhunter: well are sister Kendra

toby: second oldest?

xhunter: me

toby: now it make since

xhunter: mhm

toby: wait what is your actual name?

xhunter: my name is Daniel

toby: my brain hurt's right now

xhunter: heh i shall get ready

toby: alrighty

*toby would pull rize and nora into a not so dark room*

toby: guys guess what

nora & rize: what???

*he would explain everything* 

nora: wait so.....

rize: 3 siblings...

toby: yep

rize: how come hunter did not know about this 

toby: honestly i don't know

*a huge bell start ringing outside*

'women': Attention teams please start heading to the arena to start yawl battle

nora: im not ready this is so much pressure what if we die?

toby: which is not going to happened

xhunter: yea they didn't say we can use are powers

nora: you do got a point there...alright let's go

*all the teams start heading in different chambers and getting ready to start the battle* 

rize: okay guys are team is going up next but right now those 2 teams going

women: team 5 and team 16 get ready to battle 3.....2.....1..... FIGHT

xhunter: whoahoho so much blood and gore I love it

nora: you really are crazy

*a guy with a wolf mask would cut of a random guy head then point at nora and the rest*

toby: now we have a target on are back great.... 

women: team 5 has been eliminated

*a big red monster would start grabbing all the dead body's that's on the ground*

nora: so that's what happen if we lose

women: team 7 and team 40

nora: here we go

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