Chapter 10. *Sigh* Old Love.

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So yeah, I ran again. I ran as far away as I could. You know, before realizing I had to go back to Taylor to practise.

Stupid pickle juice.

I needed SOMETHING to blame!

I raced back to Tay Tay, I had given up on clearing my head ten seconds after trying. It’s hard work liking arguably two of the biggest celebrities of the age. I know a lot of people do but not for the reasons I do! Don’t argue back! That’s not what you’re supposed to do that! >:-l

“That was a long time in the toilet.” Taylor commented as I returned. How do you explain to anyone you shared a rainbow smelling soap thought with a mental girl, wacked her in the nose, and Harry and I were locked in the janitor’s closet about 20 minutes?

“I shared a rainbow smelling soap thought with a mental girl, wacked her in the nose, and Harry and I were locked in the janitor’s closet about 20 minutes.” I explained. Now to see how you answer that sort of statement.

Silence. Expected.

We quickly jumped back into our scripts. Not actually jumped. What if I could jump into my script? Like all I had to do was LEAP and WHOOOSSSHHHH! I’m in the land of Olivia. That would be sooo cool! I would live Olivia’s life and get away from school and everything!

School had been hard for me with rehearsals and not always having the amount of time I need for studying and doing homework. I manage a C+ average though.

Stupid college!

***5 days later***

The past few days have been weird. I would run over to learning dance and then I’d teleport into learning lines with some partner and then magically appear with the dancers and so on. Weird thing is I never remembered walking everywhere. I just simply appeared.

Or maybe I am just an absent minded person. Either way seems correct.

Luckily I haven’t been trapped in a closet by a cray cray girl in the past three days.

But I did have a very interesting discussion on politics with my rubber ducky in the bathtub.

I named him Carl.

BUT I have been developing my feelings for two head sitting on guys. It sucks really, having a crush on two guys and not knowing which one you like better.

So I had magically transported in the kitchen to “investigate” the fridge when I heard.


My full name. This is not good.

I dropped the ice cream that I had been testing for poison before sprinting as fast as I can to the theatre, where I assumed my name was called. I ran on the stage as it was the closest entrance.

Standing before me was everyone in the production PLUS Mr. Cameron and a random woman who  I had never seen in my life be beside me.

“You called?” I asked weakly.

“I have been calling you for the past five minutes. Don’t you remember everyone was supposed to meet here at 3:04? IT’S 3:09! WHERE WERE YOU?” Mr. Cameron exploded. Not an “BOOM EXPLOSION!” Explosion but an “I’M TOTALLY GOING CRAZY AND NOT ACTING NORMAL AND FIISSSHH!” Explosion.

It wasn’t often when he yelled at me. Maybe twice before at most. It was safe to say I was about to pee.

But I hadn’t been to the girl’s washroom in the building since the “incident.” And I wasn’t going to start.

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