Abraxas was walks around hogawarts, looking for Ember.
Abraxas wasn' thinking of finding Charlotte Yaxley, talking to Fleamont Potter.
"But you see, my finace being an arse, is trying to get me to make Ember more perfect." Charlotte says to fleamont, as he chuckles,"But he should be worryinga bout me, and what I'm doing during my free time." She says, as Abraxas hides behind a wall.
"How has no one figured out about this?" Fleamont asks, as Charlotte grabs his tie, and looks into his eyes,"What are you doing?" He asks,mlooking into her eyes.
"Admiring your beautiful eyes." Charlotte says, as she kisses him, supring Abraxas, as he walks away.
'Oh my god, oh my god!' Abraxas yells in his mind, his hands in his hair,'Charlotte just kissed Fleamont Potter! The one who stood up for the mud bloods.'
Abraxas ran through the halls trying to find someone he could tell this to.
Abraxas stopped running when he saw him.
"Where are you going?" He asks, as Abraxas gulps and looks him in the eyes.
"Hello Atticus Lestrange." Abraxas says, and shivers at the name,"How is your day?" He asks, as Warren grabs Abraxas face.
"Have you seen Charlotte?" Atticus asks, as Abraxas shakes his head.
"Nope, not once today." He says, as Atticus glares down at him.
"Alright, Malfoy." Atticus says, and let's go of Abraxas,"I'll go the same you way you came from." Atticus says, and smiles, and walks the direction Abraxas came from.
Abraxas breaths out, glad Atticus didn't care about where Charlotte is.
3, 2, 1...
"Atticus!" Abraxas yells, chasing after him.
Abraxas catches up to him, and jumped on Atticus back.
"Get off of me, Malfoy!" Atticus yells, as he tries to swat Abraxas away.
"I'm protecting Charlotte!" Abraxas says, as they hear a clap.
They look behind to see Ember Yaxley.
"What is going on here?" She asks, as Abraxas jumps off Atticus.
"I was just trying to look for Charlotte, Ember." Atticus says, sounding innocent,"But then Abraxas stopped me for no reason." He says, as Ember nods.
"Abraxas, what did you do?" Ember asks, as Abraxas sighs.
"I just just trying to protect Charlotte." Abraxas says.
"From what?"
They all turn towards the voice, and see Charlotte Yaxley.
"Charlotte, I've been looking for you." Atticus says, but Charlotte pushes him away.
"What do you know, Malfoy?" Charlotte asks, walking up to him,"Did you see something?" Charlotte asks, as Abraxas shakes his head,"Nothing is wrong here, Ember." Charlotte says to Ember, as she smiles and nods.
"Abraxas, let's go." Ember says, and starts walking the way she came.
"I'll be right there, Ember." Abraxas says, as he looks at Atticus,"I'll see you, Leonar." He says, as they glare at ecah other, and Embers come back, pulling Abraxas away.
"What is wrong with you?" Ember asks, pushing him away.
"I saw something that I wasn't supposed to see." Abraxas says, walking next to her,"If you saw it, you would have done the same." He says, as Ember scoffs.
"I wouldn't have." Ember says, as Abraxas looks at her hurtful,"I would have told mother and father, then they would've told Mrs.Skeeter." Ember says, as Abraxas gstops and grab sher hand.
"Charlotte is my sister." Ember says, as Abraxas nod,s"Just like Nila." She says, as Abraxas looks down at there hands,"I will never let Nila go with a mudblood." Emebr says, and lets go of Abraxas hand, and walks away.
"If only you knew, Ember." Abraxas says, and walks the other way.
Ember was in the library, waiting for...
Ember turned her head, and saw her...
Sharon Skeeter.
"You wnated to meet me?" Sharon asks, as Ember nods.
"You have all the gossip right?" Ember asks, as Sharon nods,"I want you to spy on Charlotte, make sure she doens't do anything bad." Ember says, and Sharon nods again,"You do want to contuine your family legacy so do just that." She says.
"But how long?" Sharon asks, as Ember thinsk for a minute,"I usally do only a few hours or a day." She says, as Ember gets the idea.
"Do it for a month." Ember says, as Sharon was about to protests,"I'll pay if I have to." She says, as Sharon rethinks it.
"Only if you pay." Sharon says.
Ember smiles, and nods.
The two shakehands, and the deal became.
Authors note:
I introduce two new charters, Atticus Lestrange, and Sharon Skeeter
Atticus is Charlottes finace, and the father to Rabstain and Rodolphus Lestrange.
Sharon Skeeter is the aunt to Rite Skeeter.
I will go more into them later, and might make videos of there backstorys, but for now, Atticus is Charlottes fiance, and Sharon is Embers right hand.

My heart||Abraxas Malfoy
FantasyEmber Yaxley. Daughter to Hilton and Colette Yaxley. Older sister to Charlotte and Nila. Wife to Abraxas Malfoy. Mother to Lucius and Liliana Malfoy. But how did the lady get to where she is now?