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Detective Inspector Remy Lestrade and Sergeant Roman Anderson are running up to a suburban house. The house is completely dark, half invisible in the night without the help of the street light a couple of yards away. After getting a call from Logan Holmes, they didn't hesitate to come out here in force, with other uniformed officers surrounding the building.

It's Roman who kicks down the door.

Inside, a woman is tied to a chair, sobbing. She has a phone in one hand, and what looks like some sort of electronic pager in the other–

And she's festooned in explosives. She's been dressed in a clip-on vest that is covered every inch with them, like a suicide bomber. Blue lights flash over her tear-streaked face from the police cars outside, and her cries are barely audible over the wail of the sirens.

"Ma'am, it's going to be okay. We're here to help," says Remy, taking a step towards her.

The woman screams. "Stay back, stay back!"

"Lestrade, look–!" Roman points to the woman's chest.

Then Remy sees it. The tiny red light of a sniper's sight laser on the trigger explosive. The beam shines through the window. There's a flash of horror.

After a dreadful moment, the light winks out. It's true, then, Logan solved it. The gamemaker is letting her go.

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