Full Moon

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(This chapter is edited) (y/n pov)

We were going out of The Whomping Willow. Sirius and Hermione holding Ron then I and Harry and at the last Lupin and Pettigrew.

"Thank you" Harry whispered happily "why? What did I do?" I question blankly. Harry Potter thanking Malfoy. Never saw that coming

"for bringing food for Sirius," Harry said "I did that for Padfoot. I didn't know he was Sirius Black" I told him and at that time we reached out.

Harry was looking at Black. I smiled and tap on his shoulder "you should talk to him"

He nodded and walked towards Sirius who was staring at Hogwarts. I turn back and ran next to Ron on the group and looked at his broken leg

(Harry pov)

Sirius told me I could come and live with him. That's great. I didn't have to go back to the Dudley's anymore.

"Harry what about y/n? do you like her?" Sirius asked nodding towards Y/n. She was looking at Ron's leg

"what makes you think that?" I spoke which made him chuckle

"You came to check on her after she faced her Boggart. It was a nice thing to do" Sirius began "your father would have done the same" I smiled at the mention of dad

"SIRIUS! LOOK!" Y/n yelled

We both turn back and saw Professor Lupin shaking. Something was wrong with him. Y/n pointed at the moon

"It's the full moon today!"

(back to Y/n pov)

Lupin turn into werewolves and Sirius turn into a dog to keep him away. Snape came out of the tree and before he could shout at the trio he notice me

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" He shouted "I think you should focus on him and not me" I pointed at Lupin

Peter? Where Peter Pettigrew? Pettigrew? He ran away?

Padfoot and Lupin were fighting harshly. Padfoot fall down. The werewolf started coming towards where we were. Making all of us panic but Uncle Snape stood in front of us like a shield

I can talk to him. Yes, I can talk to him. But what if it didn't work out? "Malfoy get back here" snape try to grab me

"Professor Lupin calm down it's us!" I began "it's us look. Harry, Hermione, Ron and Me Y/n" I ignored Snape's name "and Sirius your best friend" he stopped and just stare at me "it's alright calm down-"

It was working. Not gonna lie I was freaking out but it was working. Right than I heard a wood crack. Hermione step on some wood and it made a cracking sound. Lupin turn to them and started going in Hermione's direction.

Before he could attack I came in between, trying to save her but lost balance and fell down. Than I felt pain all over my arm. Professor Lupin's bit me on my right arm.

I screamed in pain.

Snape attack him making him fall backwards



"oh no" cried Hermione.

The pain was killing me and my vision was not clear. Snape was trying something and I could see harry running in the other direction. And then everything went black.


I didn't like this chapter...
It's short and boring.

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