The War Begin

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"Don't remember this on Marauders Map" Ron said as we were walking inside the tunnel, followed Neville "that's because it never existed till now" he answered "there's dementor and deatheaters, it's our only in and out now"

"Is everyone alright Neville?" I asked "no. It's worst after you left" he said "you use to sneak come food but then it stoped. None of us knew what happen until Dean heard a Slytherin head boy, er... Theodore Nott? He told us that you went back to your house"

"How's Snape?" Hermione asked "haven't seen him. It's the discipline incharge you should be worried about. Brother and sister"

"Today in dark arts others practice Cruciatus Curse on first year. Hogwarts has change"

We came to an end and Neville open the door (or whatever it was) he step aside relieving Harry and me. Hermione and Ron behind us

"HARRY?" Everyone shouted and started clapping and gathered around while we went down

They started hugging each other and I saw Luna. I hugged her "sorry about everything"

"It's alright. You're the reason I wasn't died of hunger" she answered

"Okay. Okay. Let's not kill him before you-know-who gets the chance to" Neville said

"Harry has something to say" Hermione told them Harry looked around "we need to find something, it's in this castle. It will help us defeat you-know-how"

"Alright. What is it?" Neville asked

"we don't know" Harry said

"Where it is?" Dean asked

"We don't know that either" ron said

"That's nothing to go on"

"Harry thinks it's something to do with Ravenclaw" I added "it will be something small, easily concealed. Anyone any ideas?" He asked

"Well, there's Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem" Luna said "oh bloody hell here we go" Ron whispered

"Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw hadn't anyone heard of it?" Luna asked "it's quite famous"

"It could be" I began and everyone looked at me "Harry remember what you said when you had a vision. 'It's something to do with Rowena Ravenclaw' you saw her so it could be"

"Yes, y/n but it's lost for centuries. There's isn't a person alive today who's seen it" Cho said

"Excuse me but someone please tell me what bloody diadem is?" Ron asked "it's a sort of crown, like a tiara" I replied

There was a noise, Ginny Weasley came in "Harry..." she said hopefully, She notice me and smiled "y/n! You're back" I smiled back

"Six months she haven't seen me and it's like I'm frankie first year" Ron complained "I am her brother"

"Snape. He knows"

Snape called everyone in the great hall. Harry wore Gryffindor's robe over his to not catch any attention towards him.

He kissed me and I kissed him back "be safe" we said at the same time

He went out with the rest of the students while me, Hermione and Ron waited for the Order of the Phoenix to arrive. Neville informed them about Harry and they could be here any moment now

Soon Remus, Kingsley, Fred, George, Fleur, Bill, Mr and Mrs Weasley arrived. Neville and Dean stayed back with us.

Today we walked towards the great hall. The door open revealing all Hogwarts students standing according to their houses

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