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"Wake up, we got classes in an hour" Hongjoong shook his friend until his eyes fluttered open and went to grab his shower first.

"Morning" Mingi yawned and looked around. It had been a few days since their last kiss and everything had gone back to normal. He waited for Hongjoong to finish so he could shower as well.

"Alright you can go, hurry up so we can go eat with the boys" Hongjoong pushed Mingi into the bathroom and started getting dressed and packing his notebooks and stuff. He sat down and waited for his friend to finish his shower and to get dressed while he spent time on his phone.

"I'm ready, let's go" Mingi was now dressed and waiting for his friend by the door with his bag pack thrown over his shoulder.

"When does our class start?" Hongjoong walked next to his friend, swinging his arms forwards and backwards, bored.

"Our first class starts at ten, we have like forty minutes left to eat and go" Mingi turned off his phone and pointed to the cafeteria where the two boys went to stand in line and pay for their food.

"Do we have class after that?" Hongjoong asked, scratching the back of his head.

"We've had the same schedule for three months now, how can you still not know it" Mingi shook his head and started eating.

"Well that's why I have you. You remember these things" The blonde smiled and batted his eyes in a cute way at his friend who shoved him and rolled his eyes.

"You do have one class without me. When is it?" Hongjoong took out his phone and checked his schedule on his phone.

"Wednesday at one" He tucked his phone away with a proud smiled.

"You read it, you should be ashamed" Mingi flicked Hongjoong's forehead and kept on eating his breakfast. Once they were done eating, they sprinted to class almost getting there late.

Mingi sat down at his desk and started doodling in his notebook, Hongjoong doing the same.

"So I heard Woosan got into a fight" The blonde whispered in Mingi's ear.

"What happened? Got any details?" Mingi leaned in closer.

"Apparently, Wooyoung got drunk and started flirting with some other guy in front of San, so San went to flirt with someone too. But this time, with a girl"

"Noooo. Wooyoung hates to see girls around San" Mingi could imagine his friend's rath and found it funny.

"But then Wooyoung caused a scene and San was embarrassed and he got even more angry. They're not speaking to each other" Hongjoong frowned and stopped whispering.

"See, that's why you and I can't fight. If we live in the same place and we fight then everything gets awkward" Mingi warned Hongjoong in a joking way.

"I know, besides when you fight with someone you usually can count on your room to be where you can be at peace but if they live with you, you can't even stay there" Hongjoong shook his head in disbelief. "So stop provoking me" He said and smacked the back of the other's head.

"Yeah, I'm the annoying one..." Mingi rolled his eyes and started paying attention to what the teacher was saying.


"Thank god it's over, I was falling asleep" Hongjoong threw his bag pack on his shoulder and got up.

"You did fall asleep. It took me ten minutes to wake you up" A smile traced on Mingi's lips as he walked out of the building next to his friend.

"Guys! I'm glad I caught you two" Seonghwa wrapped his arms around both boy's neck making them both groan.

"What do you want?" Mingi dropped the other's arms and straightened his posture.

"Well the party is tomorrow? Are you still going?" Seonghwa looked at Mingi who nodded and then at Hongjoong.

"Yeah yeah, I'm going to your stupid party" Hongjoong removed the other's arm as well.

"It's not my party but yay" Seonghwa did a little jump and kept on walking next to the boys.

"By the way, I'm glad to see that all the tension is gone. You two are hard enough to handle when you're nice to each other" Oblivious to the tension he created, Seonghwa kept on walking whereas the two other boys stared at each other for a fraction of second.

"Thank god that's gone" Mingi mumbled. 

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