on the balcony???

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TW: heights, cold hands, blood, pushing

You had just gotten out of the shower and you were laying on the bed in you and Alex's room cooling off. After a few minutes you get up, go to the dresser, and take out a nightgown to put on. When your finally dressed you decide to go out onto the balcony to get some fresh air.



As your gazing at the stars you jump slightly from the feeling of cold hands wrap around your waist.
"Hey baby" Alex says resting his head on your shoulder.
"Hey, how was your stream?" you ask him leaning up on the rail a little.
"It was good" he says moving his hands up your waist
He leans close to your ear and says  "You look so so pretty tonight" 

"Thank you" you say looking down seeing how high you two were.

Alex turns you around and starts kissing you.
He then picks you up and sits you on the balcony railing.

Looking down again at the height you hold onto his arms tightly.
He gives you another kiss reassuring that "it'll be ok" so you let go a little. 

He begins kissing your neck and leaving little bite marks here and there. You soon stop him and say, "Alex are you sure wanna do this on the balcony???"

 Alex nods and begins to unbuckle his belt. When he's finished unbuckling his belt you suddenly feel a pair of hands push you over off the balcony and you see Alex looking down at you as you plummet to your death. You feel the heavy wind pressure pressing on every inch of your body as you make your way to the ground. 

During your final moments you see Alex just looking at you as all the blood drains from your body and then everything goes black.





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