Thoughts and information

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I could smell the clear air around me. The pleasant and unpleasant smells swirling in the wind. It had now been two days after I had received my powers, now I was going back to school. The werewolves (weres for short) and other vamps would be able to tell what kind of powers I had, my mum had warned me that most of everyone at the school were supes (supernaturals) and once they found out what my ability were then they would treat me later like royalty.

I could now see the tall structure of my school. People were filing into the building rushing to get to class, they shoved each other one or two fell by the pushing and shoving of the nerds. But I didn't see the popular people. This was usual for everyone not seeing them ; they were always under the trees. The guys smoking whilst their arms wrapped around some girls who really looked like tarts but most of the time it was Carla and her little minions with the football team. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a light tap on the shoulder. I turned around and saw the schools most dreamy boy, Liam, standing there with a large smile on his face. His eyes scanned my body like he was looking for my flaws but he didn't find one, what the hell did he want? " do you want something or are you just gonna stand there starring at me like a pervert?" I asked in a annoyed tone. He looked surprised at my tone of voice, he was obviously expecting the original 'OMG he is standing in front of me checking me out he's so freaking hot I just want to jump his bones right now' kind of face with the girl batting her eyelids and twirling her hair but this time he is not going to get the usual treatment.

He smiled " just need to ask you something" he replied with a flirty voice. I furrowed my eyebrows, what could he possibly want from me? I was confused but before I could ask him started to talk "me and my friends would like you to accompany us under the trees every morning. We would appreciate it very much. especially me" he whispered the last part. His voice sent shivers down my spine I reacted as if I was cold, he just laughed "what?" I asked "your not supposed to get cold. It's not supposed to bother our kind you know since we're already cold and everything" he chuckled. Wait a second 'our kind?'. SHIT!!!! How the hell? He....he is a vampire. Holy fluffy bunnys . I gave him a wide eyed look, surely I would be able to smell him! He laughed lightly and I blinked, I shook it off "so about that thing I asked about before you had a little confusment? You want to come?" I looked at him " even though most people would die to be standing here right now, by the way not joking there are people staring and I swear I can see that girl drooling" i gestured to a tall blond girl with emerald green eyes, a short blond bob and a slim figure. "I think I'll pass" i said politely just about turning away when he grabbed my arm and pulled me to face him.

I stared at him calmly until he let go. I waited for his grip to be removed but it never happend, I looked at him again "could you please let go of me now or I will have no hesitation of hitting you in your most 'sacred' place" i said I a threatening tone. He still didn't let go instead he pulled me toward the large group under the trees. I screamed at him to get off me but he only grunted and carried on walking over. But I continued with my tantrum demanding he let go of me but that only made him turn around and throw me over his shoulders. I scratched at his back demanding to let go of me when I realized how stupid I was acting. I am a vampire, i had unimaginable strength and I was acting like a child. I decided no more mr nice guy, I elbowed him in the back he reacted by screaming out in pain causing him to let go of me. I backed away not taking my eyes of him like a predetor and prey meaning I was the predetor and he was the prey. Liam recovered quickly, he lunged at me but I dodged him. He turned around grinning "i like a chase" he teased. I laughed and ran at vampire speed going behind him just about to lunge at his back, I was very quick but he was just that bit older making him that much quicker. I fell into a strong pair of arms that I noticed were attached to a smiling Liam I snarled and kneed him in his private place.

He bent over howling and I laughed and started to chant " Liam got beat by a girl" i sang happily but my happiness soon ended by getting pulled into the trees in screamed and kicked trying to see my attacker. I managed to turn around and meet Liam's face, he laughed and whispered into my ear "i never lose" i grinned thinking of how easy he was to take down and that was when I was going mild on someone. He let go of me so I could stand up, I spun on my heel to look at him but this time we had company. I was surrounded by him and his friends they grinned and looked at my curves. "mmm she looks delicious" i heard a bulky guy say. He was tanned and very muscular with gleaming blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. " like a fallen Angel but more radiant" i turned to face the guy who said it. He had dark brown hair that was so shiny it nearly blinded me, how eyes were a soft brown his face pale, he had lovely lips that anyone would just kiss. Shut up brain! The guys circled me like I was now the prey not the predetor. I looked at them all, they looked infatuated with me and my body. "they haven't been made like this in centuries, she just and beautiful" one of the guys said I stared at him, he looked hypnotized. What the hell is going on!?

I heard footsteps behind me, I spun around so quick I nearly fell but luckily I didn't. Liam. He came towards me and took my hands, i yanked them away. He didn't take them back but he cupped my chin, I knew what he was going to do. He leaned in and so did i, I looked into his eyes and then I saw what he was trying to do, he was trying to seduce me. I was like a prize to them and the first one to kiss me won me. Well looks like they cheated no prize for them! I shook my head and pulled away just a second before he nearly claimed his prize. He looked at me baffled.

"I'm not your play toy liam" i said casually before backing out of the circle around me and starting to walk away.

I had been walking for about two minutes when I heard footsteps behind me. If my heart was beating them it would be thudding against my ribcage like a hammer and wood. I stopped in my path then turning around to see that brown haired boy with the soft chocolate brown eyes that would make a girl go weak in the knees. "you should give him a chance you know. He has been looking for someone like you for a long time" he said blandly. "what's your name?" I asked curiously. "Daniel. You?" he asked. Well at least he's polite."Amelia. Could you tell me why I should give him a chance?" I asked. "i know he looks self absorbed and everything but under all of that he cares for some people" he said this with truth in his voice. He was telling the truth I could tell. 'shes like an angel fallen from heaven. Elenor said she was beautiful and powerful but she obviously didn't explain how beautiful and the power! I could feel it radiating off of her' what the hell was that? "did you say something?" I asked curiously. "no why?" asked Daniel."oh nothing I thought you said something. We'll I'm going to go now. But I'll think about it" he nodded and turned around walking back to the rest of them all.


I walked into the canteen, I could feel the eyes watching me. I guess this was still pretty big news to everyone. I looked around searching for somewhere to sit, my eyes landed on an empty table,perfect! My heels clicked in the silence, I felt tense and I couldn't relax. I sat down on the seat relief washing over me as I felt a sheild of safety surrounding me. I heard a few more footsteps behind me I turned around to see carla and her trail of friends coming towards me. This day just gets better and better. Instead of insulting me she just sat herself right next to me. Huh? I feel so confused!

That's when it all clicked into place. My mother's exact words were "if they feel they are not worthy of having a high position no matter how high they will surrender as they have seen a better one worthy making them feel lower than that are that will treat you better than before"that meant carla felt she was lower than me. Maybe bad days get better.

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