After the change

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Walking into school I sighed heavily as everyone stared at my new self. My usual bland brown hair was gone as well as the old dirty blue eyes. That was part of every vampires change, first they started off all normal looking but after the change their real beauty shows. I guess I really was beautiful. Everyone stared at me in amazement I heard the snatches of whispers "who's the new girl?" they thought I was new? Maybe I changed more than I thought. Well I had gotten confident, usually I just walked the shadows of the corridors and sit at the back of the classroom. But now I'm the new improved version of Amelia Goldsworth complete with fangs.

I walked through the classroom door not hesitating to go in and sit at the desk smack bang in the middle of the classroom. I could feel every pair of eyes lingering on me . The popular boys were trying to take me in . Staring at my every curve. Really I couldn't wait for the register to be taken so I could see their faces when they found out who I really was. I laughed inside my head trying to imagine the scene that would soon play out.

After a few minutes miss barney walked in and sat at her desk taking out the register.

She went through most names on the list . " Amelia Goldsworth?"she said in a croaky voice. "here miss"I said grinning as everyone's gaze met mine. I heard a few gasps and whispers "that's her?""what did she do to herself?" I could see a few of the hot boys checking me out. I smiled sweetly then flipped them off,they raised their eyebrows and chuckled to himself.

I shook my head and found my teacher staring at me in amazement "is there a problem?" I asked politely. "n-no amelia " she stutterd. What the hell? Did miss barney just back down without a fight? "well then if you don't mind could carry on because I'm getting a little bored and I won't hesitate to walk out of the classroom" I said sourly. She nodded and continued with the register ticking off names.


My god his breath stinks! I can't believe girls even went out with this dirtball. I mean he absolutely reeks! I went to get up and walk away from him but as soon as I tried he pushed me back into my seat "look I know what you are. Your a bloodsucker aren't you" he snarled in my ear."but I must say I am impressed from the way you turned out." I laughed and pushed him away "oh and your one of those wolf guys aren't you. I can tell, you smell like a wet dog and it reeks by the way. You should consider taking a shower when your not rolling in the mud." I snickered turning away. He gaped after me and I grinned back at him.

I was turning a corner when I faced Carla the schools queen bitch. She had been out with most of the hot and decent boys in school. And she absolutely hates me. "err look what the cat dragged in" she said in disgust. I smiled nicely, but then I noticed something different about her and it wasn't her hair color for change. Wait I knew that smell! She's a vampire. Well I'm might have some fun since she will also know what I am. I let my fangs drop and I snarled at her. I could tell from her expression she was shocked and scared at the same time."what's the matter Carla? Finally met your match?"

I could tell her 'friends' were vamps too as they didn't cower or cry or even scream for help. I returned my gaze back to carla. She gulped and turned to walk away when she looked back and whisperd ever so softly just soft enough for vampire hearing " be careful" and she continued back down the hallway she was walking through.

"what the hell?" I muttered to myself. What's that supposed to mean? I shrugged it off realizing that carla had said it and I can't really listen to what she says. The rest of the day dragged I got a few stares and flirty smiles from guys that some girls would love to even stand next to. And on top of that got dirty looks from jealous girls. But that didn't bother me at the moment but what did was what carla had said 'be careful' the words still rang fresh in my ears.I creased my brows and my train of thought was interrupted by my mum"sweetie dinners ready!"ouch that hurt my ears I still guess my mums not gotten used to me being what I am. My mum well she basically never went to any parents evenings for one thing was the fact my mum looked really young considering she was a vampire. In human years by now my mum would be 40 she had me 8 years after her turning with her mate (my dad) but he died from something my mum always refused to tell me about I've always been on the hunt for information about how my dad had died but the most I've got is he was some sort of powerful vampire in the supernatural world.

I jumped up suddenly forgetting the dinner downstairs and I smelt it before I saw it, the sweet honey aroma. Raw steak. I was still a bit queasy on the blood but I'm still adjusting. I sat at the table with my mum. She had the same only a little more meat. We satin silence for a while and I kinda got bored but my mum broke the silence " so how was school?" she asked all too knowingly since she had gotten the same reaction to me on her first day back after the change. "fine" I replied in a bored tone." honey um I know it's been stressful going through the change and everything but we're not finished with this process yet" my mum said in a very cautious way. I had been having mood swings like most would after the change. " what do you mean 'not finished yet?' is their still more stuff I don't know?" I asked. " Amelia we need to find out what your power is" she replied. I gave her a confused look. "we have to wait until the full moon. When it's at its highest point it will grant you your powers but this has to be done in the woods. We need space and air, I will also need Elenor my witch friend to come with us as sometimes these rituals do not always go the right way." i looked up from my plate "mum what's your power?" I asked curiously. "you really want to know?" I nodded signaling for her to tell me. "well......I am a water weilder. I can mold water,freeze it and it's a very good use of defense in combat." i sighed knowing I wouldn't be getting a good power like my mums.

I just hope to get a decent one.

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