Blood and sweat

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"Amelia its time for your training!" my mum shouted up to me. This was going to be so boring, people had said training was boring and there was no point in doing it but my mum said it's only because they assume it's going to be boring so they act like it is. My mum said when she came out of training she felt like an undiscovered part of herself had been awakened.

Coming from my room I went downstairs and my feet thundered on each step still no used to the very large amount of un-human qualitys. Once I jumped the last three steps I landed gracefully on the oak tree wood floor boards. I lifted my face from the ground to meet a lovely pair of soft blue eyes I look at his face to see he had a lovely jaw, his face looked like it was carved by angels and his hair had that scruffy boy look.

He looked into my eyes also, his first expression was hard but when he looked into my eyes that face left and he looked at me with emotion. "uhm" mother cleared her throut purposely, and my gaze left him but his eyes still lingered, I could feel it. Then my mother scowled at him " Gabriel you know you are not here for that kind of business " my mother said strictly. He nodded and stopped looking at me turning his attention to my mother. " Gabriel this is my daughter amelia, amelia this is Gabriel, he will be training you" i looked at him and he threw me a dazzling grin. I smiled and held out my hand "nice to meet you" i said nicely. Each returned the gesture "you too its a pleasure to finally meet you" his voice sounded like a choir of angels, it sent shivers up my spine.

"well time to get you started then, off we go." he said grabbing my wrist and I look at my mother for help but she didn't seem fazed. I shrugged it off and let him take me to a black BMW parked just outside my front garden. Halfway there I stopped,I sniffed the air and I caught a whiff of leather and silver, but that's not what worried me. I looked around and saw shadows flitting around, I saw glimpses of fangs and I felt a pang of hatred being radiated off the shadows. I could tell I was feared by them, the word had gotten round of what I could do and now.....they were after me.

"Gabriel?" I quivered. "uhu?" "ummm...i think we're being followed" i squeaked in a high pitch.
Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while I regret to say I won't be continuing with this story but I would like to suggest that if any of you wish to continue with it then u may I just need to see what you would do to carry on with this last piece I have left with you to read message me what you have come up with and a snippet of the text of continuation and I will decide if I will let you many thanks, Lauren X

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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